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Methods Of Combing Single-Micronutrient Deficiency Prevention Strategies Effectively (Coursework Sample)


Please use the following text to answer the questions:
Global Health (Required)
Michael Merson, Robert E. Black, Anne Mills
Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2012
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Important vitamins and minerals, referred to as micronutrients, have imperative roles that they play in human metabolism, immunity, and other major body functions. The deficiency of these micronutrients can lead to a unique critical syndrome. The issue of micronutrients has continued to be a global problem. Statistics has shown that around 2 billion people in the world are projected to be deficient in important vitamins and minerals particularly iodine, vitamin A, zinc, and iron. People who come from those low-income countries are deficient in more than one micronutrient. In this excerpt, I will examine the concept of global health and micronutrient deficiency.
Methods of Combing Single-micronutrient deficiency prevention strategies effectively
Countries can combine different prevention strategies to confront the health issues that affect them. In this way, incurred cost can be reduced significantly. States can come together and search for professionals from diverse disciplines and academic fields that possess skills that are needed to fight micronutrient deficiency (BA et al., 2004). Particularly, these professionals can develop strategies that will address the concept of micronutrient deficiency, thereby sharing goals to eradicate micronutrient deficiency. Besides, high-income countries can be involved in funding the low-income states.
Challenges Afflicting a Country with both high rates of Childhood Under nutrition and Obesity
There are certain challenges that the government of those countries that are afflicted with both high rates of childhood under nutrition and the rising epidemic of obesity among its lower socioeconomic groups. Some of these challenges include the cost of giving health to its citizen’s rise due to the emergence of diseases such as high blood pressure, hypertension, and diabetes (Merson et al., 2011). In addition, these governments also have a challenge in their economy since the production of the citizens reduces.
Kinds of Nutritional Problems, Target groups, Approaches to Assessment and Options routine Contact.
There are nutrition problems that the ministry of health may institute a national surveillance to address. Some of these nutritional problems include deprivation, quality of life, hunger, and rising tide of obesity. The target group comprises of the children and mothers, especially those who come from poor backgrounds. They can access the situation on the ground by observing the nutritional changes in the countries involved. The ministry can also form a private group that will be given a mandate of visiting those people who are under surveillance (Black, 2014). By doing this, the ministry of health will ensure that there is no person who will suffer from malnutrition and food related problems.
Factors that Cause Death and Disability in Low-Income Countries compared to those in High-income
Factors that cause death in low income and middle-income groups are mostly related to poverty and nutritional deficiency. In particularly, these issues cause diseases such as childhood underweight, unsafe water sanitation, vitamin A deficiency, high blood pressure, and alcohol use. The circumstances that cause death in high-income countries are related to overfeeding and lack of exercise. They include overweight, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, high cholesterol, and low fruit and vegetable intake (Ba, 2011). Death in high-income countries can be overcome by educating the public the importance of exercise to the body.
Policies and Actions Taken at National and International Levels
Some policies can be undertaken at national and international levels. Some of these policies include; health workers should be required to recognize signs and ...
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