D-Day (1944) and its role in World War II history. History Coursework (Coursework Sample)
D-Day (1944) and Its Role in World War II History
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D-Day (1944) and its role in World War II history
D-Day marked the beginning of the end of Germans and not only Germans but Hitler’s reign. World War II took place between the year 1939 and the year 1945. The War was between two groups, on one side; the Axis powers (German, Japan, and Italy) and the Allied Powers were; United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and China. Some of the causes of World War II were the unresolved disputes of World War I and the increasing power of Nazi Germany. The United States had a reason to join the Allied powers; the attack on the Pearl Harbor was a significant blow leading to its entry (Ramsay, 2015).
Preparation for entry
The D-Day is a name given to the invasion that happened on June 6, 1994, the invasion of Normandy. The allied forces attacked the German forces on the cost of France at a place called Normandy. This attack was most significant in history, and it marked the turning point of the War.
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