The Emoluments Clause (Coursework Sample)
This is a discussion post on emolument clause. the discussion discussed the emoluments clause or the foreign emoluments clause, as an existing provision under the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) which prohibits federal officeholders, especially the president, from receiving any payment, titles, gift, payment, or other valuables from foreign states, rulers, or representatives without consent from the Congress
source..Discussion question
What is the emoluments clause and why should I care about it?
The emoluments clause or the foreign emoluments clause, is an existing provision under the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8). This clause prohibits federal officeholders, especially the president, from receiving any payment, titles, gift, payment, or other valuables from foreign states, rulers, or representatives without consent from the Congress. The framers created the emolument clause to ensure that state leaders would not be influenced, even unconsciously, by corrupt rulers and diplomats through titles or gifts. Benjamin Franklin, a U.S. minister to France, received a bejewelled snuff-box from Lous XVI after completing
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