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Piaget Meets Santa Claus (Coursework Sample)


•Your assignment is to answer the eight questions below. Draw your answers from what you've learned about Piaget's theory. Based upon Piaget's theory, take the child's perspective and explain what thoughts might go through the child's mind as they encounter Santa. 
Provide examples of how the child would interact with Santa, what they will think about Santa, and how they will feel about Santa. You can also explain what the child may believe about the existence of Santa. To receive full credit, you must demonstrate applying Piaget's theory in your answers to these 8 questions. 
1 What are the general characteristics of the sensorimotor stage child? 
2. On encountering Santa, explain how the sensorimotor stage child would react and behave.
3. What would this stage child observe and believe?
4. How would the sensorimotor child approach or deal with this experience? 
Now select one of these two stages of cognitive development: Preoperational Stage or Concrete Operational Stage and answer the questions below. 
5. What are the general characteristics of the ____________ stage child? 
6. On encountering Santa, explain how the____________ stage child would react and behave. 
7. What would this stage child observe and believe? 
8. How would the ____ child approach or deal with this experience?
Remember: Write out both the question and answer. Yes, your answers sometimes will overlap. I do not want a book written for each answer- I'm a more quality over quantity type of grader. 


Piaget Meets Santa Claus
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1.What are the general characteristics of the sensorimotor stage child?  
The sensorimotor stage child uses motor activities, sensory impressions and a combination of the two to understand world aspects. They also appreciate the rule of cause and effect, as well as learn to differentiate themselves from the world.
2.  On encountering Santa, explain how the sensorimotor stage child would react and behave.  
The sensorimotor stage child would be excited to meet Santa. Their reaction would probably be one of surprise and joy at the image of Santa Claus.
3. What would this stage child observe and believe?
The child would observe that they receive ‘something’ once they sit on Santa’s lap, and this would also probably cause the child to associate Santa Claus with gift giving. The child would believe that Santa exists in reality. The child would also probably learn to associate certain objects with Santa Claus.
4.  How would the sensorimotor child approach or deal with this experience?  
The child would easily accept sitting on Santa’s lap and would probably be very excited at meeting Santa. The child would also imitate the process of sitting on Santa’s lap after seeing other children do the same. 
Now select one of these two stages of cognitive development:    Preoperational Stage or Concrete Operational Stage and answer the questions below.   
5.   What are the general characteristics of the preoperational stage child?  
The child can process thought in symbols and images. The child is able to play make-believe games, acquire language, and represent one thing with another.
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