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Analyzing Supervisory Skills (Social Work) (Coursework Sample)

Analyzing Supervisory Skills (Social Work) Assignment Overview Mentorship and engaging with colleagues are important components of professional development. In this assignment, you engage with an experienced social work supervisor as a means of better understanding the field and best practices within the profession. Through this glimpse into the real world of social work, you will better understand the concepts and theories you are learning in your course. Assignment Description You conduct research on the information you gather from insight on social work supervision and connect it to critical or conflict theory and advanced generalist best practices as a supervisor. The information you gather through your research should include content that prepares a social work to competently discuss the following areas in your paper: • Best practices and standards that are a part of supervision and leadership within the social work profession and how they relate to the NASW Code of Ethics. • The NASW Code of Ethics and how it supports best practices in supervision. • Education, training, and practice support available to social workers' supervisors. • The use of technology and how it relates to best practices. • Diversity and how it affects leadership and supervision. • How do you use leadership skills when working with a supervisee to advance social, economic, and environmental well-being? How does this affect supervisee performance in addressing social, economic, and environmental well-being? • Self-care and how it is applied in social work practice as a supervisor. • Critical or conflict theory and how to apply best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor. Organize your paper, using headings, to address each of the content areas. Be sure that you synthesize information from the interview with content learned from the text, articles, NASW resources, and additional resources into these categories. • Identify best practices and standards that are a part of supervision and leadership within the social work profession and how they are integrated into the social work profession. Why are they important to the profession? • Connect the NASW Code of Ethics to Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision. • Explain how education, training, and practice support can help protect the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision. • Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice. • Explain dimensions of diversity and how they influence leadership and supervision in social work. • Describe how to use leadership skills when working with a supervisee to advance social, economic, and environmental well-being? How does this affect supervisee performance in addressing social, economic, and environmental well-being? • Explain the importance of self-care in social work practice when serving as a supervisor. Why is this important and include examples of best practices in self-care. • Describe critical or conflict theory that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor. • Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices for supervision. Additional Requirements The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements: • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Include a title page, reference page, headers, and appendices as applicable. For example, the list of questions used for the consolation should be in an appendix. Reference the appendices as needed within your paper. • Cited resources: Minimum of four scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years. • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. source..
Analyzing Supervisory Skills (Social Work) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date Analyzing Supervisory Skills (Social Work) Integrating Best Practices and Standards into Social Work Best practices and standards entail preferred strategies and methods or attitudes for the realization of the best-valued outcome. Best practices and standards are required within social work to improve quality, processes, and overall organizational performance. Procedures such as benchmarking and information management systems are often prioritized to get the best learning and quality improvement within social work. Social work practices include working with individuals, families, communities, and groups. Other critical practices include training and education, evaluation and research, administration, leadership, and management (Lennon-Dearing & Delavega, 2015, p. 412). Standards, on the other hand, include practicing according to the code of ethics managing ethical dilemmas, behaving professionally, among others. The practices and standards are integrated within the social work professionalism by including them in the organization's mission, vision, and goals. Through this, work strategies will pay more considerable attention to value-based practices and standards following the organization's objective, goals, and mission. Best practices such as ethical values and working with diverse groups can also be integrated within social work by involving middle managers, employees, and outside stakeholders. The practices can also be integrated within the leadership structure by sustaining management support and implementation of a strategic plan towards achieving an all-inclusive approach. For example, Doel et al. (2017) argued that involving middle-level managers in decision-making help in tapping into their potential by motivating and pushing them to give their best. According to the transpersonal theory, positive influencers (such as strategic implementation plans) can be used to realize positive human potential (Lennon-Dearing & Delavega, 2015, p. 418). The transpersonal theory is critical in motivating human development. Integrating the NASW Code of Ethics into best Practices and Standard  The NASW Code of Ethics offers guidance in social workers' everyday endeavors. The primary purpose of social work is to improve human well-being and help members of society meet their basic needs. Special attention is paid to oppressed, vulnerable, sick, or poor community members (Doel et al., 2017). These cannot be achieved without proper ethical guidelines. The code of ethics stipulates the values, standards, ethics, practices that are recommended for sufficient social work, especially where moral aspects arise. Reamer (2015, p. 143) argued that the best strategy to integrate the NASW Code of Ethics into everyday practices and standards is to incorporate its purposes into everyday supervision work. For example, during supervision, it is critical to have in place benchmarking strategies to analyze how social workers deliver services to the general public. The codes should thus form part of goals achievement, disciplinary measures, professional conduct, and cooperation between the workers. According to social learning theory, people learn by observing their environment. It is thus critical for supervisors to carry on their duties and responsibilities in a responsible, ethical manner since workers will pick on these behaviors while at work (Lennon-Dearing & Delavega, 2015, p. 418). Since multiple aspects in an environment impact behavior according to systems theory, workers are bound to face significant influence from their environment, co-workers, and leaders. Integrating the the NASW Code of Ethics in a leader's management skills is a strategic way of applying it within social work. Protection of the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practices The primary purpose of education and training within social work is to foster and enhance critical thinking, accelerate learning towards asking the appropriate questions, and synthesis of details. Training is aimed at developing a clear and conscious understanding and growth. Educating social workers helps nurture extensive efforts to strive for the best to improve human behavior and adapt to acceptable social behavior (Brady et al., 2015). Thus training and educating social workers on the basics, importance, and relevance of NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practices helps preserve its significance and value within their practice. Social work supervision is a vital aspect of evaluation, discussion, and development of necessary ethical values within the social workplace. Social workers can analyze their skills, values, and knowledge on ethics and especially the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practices. With the clarity of thought and the ability to harness best practices by adhering to their supervisory environment, social workers, through their acquired skills and knowledge, can develop and support the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practices. Technology and best Ethical Standards and Practices Technology increases information accuracy, enhances work purposes, improves management, organization, and confidentiality. The information has stood strategically in providing accurate and timely services. As the platform of information management, technology supports all features of the NASW Code of Ethics through knowledge improvement and awareness. Technology has opened up the environment for doing good, facilitating more accessible learning, educating workers, and enhancing their moral, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. It has helped fosters a society where all are finding it flexible to uphold good morals by making work more comfortable and informing the workers (Lennon-Dearing & Delavega, 2015, p. 420). Technology helps support the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practices through empowering social workers with up-to-date information and awareness. Dimensions of Diversity and influence on Leadership and Supervision Diversity in social work is all about inclusion. The assimilation of diverse ethnic groupings within the workplace is bound to influence leadership positively and further enhance supervision. According to Brady et al. (2015), inclusion is about engaging all and finding a like-minded platform for all. It fosters unity and makes coordination and management flexible. It also increases supervision as the supervisor has to make every effort to account and know the individual workers at a personal level (Doel et al. 2017). Through this, the entire supervisory plan and strategy become secure and manageable. As diversity fosters inclusion, is also improves authentic collaboration and cooperation, thus leading to new approaches to undertaking social work and loyalty to practices and standards. It nurtures team building, enhances communication during supervision, broadens observation, improves trust, exploration, and ideation.    Leadership Skills and Working with Supervisee's Leadership skills that influence and inspire help get the best for employees. By the use of charismatic methods, a leader is able to influence supervisee and elevate their standing in the workplace. Such skills such as transformational methods that aim at changing social workers for the better do so in their best interest. Through transformational strategies, a leader is able to create awareness, acceptance, and steer a supervisee towards the right purpose of work economically, socially, and environmentally. A leader's moral commitment helps engage employees towards applying the best strat...
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