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Computer Games (Coursework Sample)
Provide a breif summery of computer games
Computer Games
Computer Games
With the continuing advancement of the technological world, there has been a significant rise in the number of computer games developed over the years. Computer gaming in itself has evolved over the years with us now being on the 8th generation of computer games. To further understand the world of computer gaming, it is important to first understand what a computer game is. A computer game is a virtual representation of the various day to day activities that are carried out in our day to day leaving. Computer games are aimed at giving users a feel of what various activities would feel like in real life that not so many would get an actual chance of doing in person. Take for instance flying a fighter jet or being at the war front. In the consequent paragraphs to come, the various gaming platforms in the 8th generation of gaming will be discussed in a bid to offer greater insight into the world of gaming (Thomas, 2012).
Computer games are categorized based on their interactive game-play and the set of game play challenges that the game offers to its users. As such, the following are some of the various types of computer game platforms. Action games. These particular genre of games is characterized by the user’s ability to possess swift reflexes, accurateness, and mastery to overcome obstacles. They are usually combat or mission based. Action games are further sub-categorized into other smaller sub-genres based on the nature of the game play. They include: Ball and paddle games, Beat 'em up and hack and slash, Fighting games, Maze games, Pinball game, Platform games, Shooter games that are further sub-categorized into: First-person shooter, MMO FPS, Light gun shooter, Shoot 'em up (SHMUP), Tactical shooter, Rail shooter and Third-person shooter (Thomas, 2012).
Ball-and-paddle games were the first predecessor games on home consoles. Beat 'em up games and hack and slash games mainly focus on one-on-many close quarters combat with an increase in the difficulty level with each victory. However, the difference between Beat 'em up games and hack and slash games is that beat 'em ups is characterized by hand-to-hand combat whereas hack and slash games is characterized by melee weaponry such as swords and blades. Fighting games are based on a one-on-one combat between two opponents (Thomas, 2012). Maze games involve a player in a given maze in which their main target is to make their way out of the maze.
Pinball games are an exact replica of the real pin ball table. Platform games are characterized by traveling between different platforms within the game by either running, swimming, using ladders and climbing over ledges. Shooter games are entirely based on projectile weaponry such as guns, missiles and RPG’s. Its further sub-genres are based on the camera perspective that the shooter genre offers. First person shooter or FPS games offer the player a first hand, one on one perspective giving the player that feeling of "being there" in person. Massively multi-player online first person shooter games (MMOFPS) is a type of FPS that brings individual players on a multi-player platform over the internet where hundreds of players can battle each other. A shoot 'em up or arcade shooter game is one that is characterized by vehicles or spacecraft’s that are used in combat to neutralize enemies. Tactical shooter game is a type of FPS that focuses mainly on team play and tactical build up. Third-person shooter games emphasizes on firing and fighting from a camera perspective whereby the player is seen at a distance (Thomas, 2012).
Action-adventure games is the second genre. It involves elements from both worlds. Obstacles are overcome over a long period using tools or other items such as weaponry. It is further subdivided into; Stealth games, Survival horror games, Real-time 3D adventure games, Text adventure games, Graphic adventure games and Visual novel games. The third category of games is role playing games also known as RPG’s. Here, players assume the role of a character given in the game as they progress in the game using their given game characters. They progress so using character given abilities. One such game is known as dungeon and dragons. This genre is also subdivided into sub categories namely: Western RPGs and Japanese RPGs (JRPGs), Use of fantasy in RPGs, Sandbox RPGs, Action RPGs, MMORPGs, Rogue RPGs and Tactical RPGs (Thomas, 2012). The fourth category is known as simulation games. They are intended to simulate real life scenarios. It entails Construction and management simulation, Life simulation and Vehicle simulation.
The last main category is known as strategy involves the player indulging themselves in critical thinking, precise planning and the careful execution of a given set of instructions in order to achieve a given task. Its further sub categorized into: Artillery games, Real-time strategy (RTS), Real-time tactics, Tower defense, Turn-based strategy, Turn-based tactics, War-games and 4X game that involves four main primary goals: ‘eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXtermine’. Other notable game genres include: Casual games, Music games, Party games, Puzzle games, Sports games, Trivia games, Board games, Card games, Adult video games, Art games, Casual games, Christian games, Educational games and Electronic sports games (T...
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