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Nursing Assessment - Teamwork (Coursework Sample)
the student wanted me to carry out a research about teamwork and answer the questions that he had sent. while Harvard style was not a must while answering the questions, in-text citations and the reference list had to follow the Harvard referencing style. source..
Diploma of Nursing HC512
Assessmment Task 1 Preceptorship Implementation - Student
BSBLDR403 Lead team effectiveness
STUDENT ID:______________________________________________________________
Assessment Instructions
* The student can start to work on the assessment from the first class of teaching.
* The student must hand in the assessment task by the date 28.10.16.
* The student needs to ensure that they submit the assessment with BHI front cover sheet.
* The student needs to ensure that they follow the instructions on the front cover sheet.
* In order to satisfactorily complete this assessment the student is required to successfully complete all 2 parts of this assessment.
Questions & Answers
S or NYS
Reflective practice & self assessment
S or NYS
Assessment: Satisfatory / Not Satisfactory
Assessor Name:
Resassessment YES / NO
Due date:
Part 1: Scenario
You are a senior Enrolled Nurse working on an Acute Medical ward at an acute hospital. You are a dedicated, passionate and caring nurse and who have been working as an Enrolled Nurse for 10 years. You have been working in your current position for about 6 years and as such you have a good working relationship with your Nurse Unit Manager and get on well with most the staff members on the ward.
Today you have been asked to meet with your Nurse Unit Manager and he/she had informed you of the hospital new policy to implement pre-registration preceptorship program (for both EN and RN students) in your hospital within a year time frame. Your ward had been chosen as pilot ward for this new roll out of pre-registration preceptorship program.
As you are a passionate, flexible and engaging senior EN who had received great feedback from past nursing students on your ward, the NUM had allocated you as the project lead to launch the preceptorship program. As usual you will have the continuous support from your NUM as needed; as well you will have the support of Clinical Nurse Educators from the hospital.
You are very excited about this great opportunity to lead a team and contribute positively to nursing, thus you have organised your first meeting to discuss the preceptorship launch with the rest of the nursing staff members on your ward.
The aim of the preceptorship program;
Traditionally the Clinical Nurse Educators from the hospital would look after the students and they would undertake the students’ assessments and teaching.
With the implementation of the preceptorship program, every student both RN and EN undertaking clinical placement on your ward will be allocated to work with one or two of the preceptor/buddy nurses for the entire placement of the clinical placement.
The preceptors (RN or EN) will then be required to undertake the students learning requirements and their clinical assessments to teach and help support the students on their journey to becoming competent dedicated Enrolled or Registered Nurses.
Your observations during the first meeting;
1 Staff members consist of NUM, Registered Nurses, Enrolled nurses and Health care assistants.
2 Some of your observations from the initial meeting are as followed;
* Some of the staff members are excited to hear about the program & are eager to help
* Some are quiet and don’t say much
* Some of the staff members are uneasy about this launch of the preceptorship program
Thinking about some of the essential concepts of team building, leadership skills, developing team cohesion, encouraging innovative ideas and facilitating team work and operational aspect such as liaising with your manager and following your hospital policies and procedures.
Please answer the following questions;
Plan to achieve team outcomes
1 As a team leader for the launch of preceptorship program on your ward please discuss your plans/ideas to achieve your objective of implementing the preceptorship program on your ward. (S or NYS)
Salas et. al. (1992) defines a team as set of two or more people who come together to interact, adapt and work interdependently towards achieving a common goal. During the formation of a team, members are usually confused and are unclear about the tasks to be accomplished by the team. I would therefore take charge and clearly establish the team’s policies and goals. The purpose of establishing policies and goals would be to eliminate confusion and help team members to clearly understand the main aim of forming the team. I would then identify the strengths and weaknesses of each team member then thereafter outline the specific roles and duties of each team member based on their strengths and weaknesses. Setting specific performance requirements for each team member will ensure that the individual team members clearly understand what is required from each of them and will therefore ensure they work efficiently to meet their individual targets. I would then monitor and assess how the individual team members perform in team projects in the ward and note down the issues that affect effective team work. If the issues affect the whole team, I would organize meetings where the team discusses positive recommendations to resolve them. If it is an individual issue, then I would handle it privately to avoid demoralizing team members in front of their colleagues (Costa et. al. 2014)
Lead team to develop cohesion & Participate in and facilitate work team
2 How would you ensure that all staff members on the ward participate and contribute positively to the implementation of the preceptorship program? (S or NYS)
The success of the preceptorship program depends on all nurses offering positive contributions to the team. I would therefore encourage the nurses to identify with the preceptorship program at a personal level. I would achieve this by letting the nurses know that they act as role models to the students who are attached to them. Communicating openly and honestly with the team members enables them to understand as much as I do about the project and also motivates team members to have a sense of ownership in the project. I would also include the team members in the planning and decision making process. This will ensure that every team member has a sense of being a leader in the group rather that looking up to me as the leader to come up with all decisions. With everybody feeling like a leader, they will be more motivated to succeed. To facilitate team work, I would encourage the ENs and the RNs to assist each other in the ward when they encounter difficulties while undertaking their specific roles and duties. To further facilitate cohesion and team work, I would encourage team members to constantly communicate with each other and share ideas about issues, concerns and problems that they may face in the ward (Henderson & Eaton 2013; Trede & Bernoth 2016).
3 As a leader how would you ensure that the staff members who are proactive about the program to stay interested? (S or NYS)
Proactive members are usually self-directed and are willing to take full responsibility for the decisions and actions they make within the work environment. The proactive team members will do even better when they feel that the team leaders have complete trust in the decisions that they make. Therefore, rather than enforcing my management decisions on these team members, I would perform minimum supervision and let these members come up with their own solutions to the problems they may face. I would accept the fact that nobody is perfect and that mistakes are bound to happen when the team members are left to make decisions on their own. As a team leader, recognising a team member’s efforts even when they fail will help encourage the members to keep trying since they will know there will be no repercussions even when they make wrong decisions. I would also constantly compliment and provide positive feedback to these team members. The complements and feedback are important because they act as a source of encouragement for these team members. This further ensures that these members stay motivated and continue having a positive outlook on the preceptorship program. When proactive members demonstrate great initiatives in the ward, offering rewards is a great way to provide recognition. Rewards may be in the form of free lunch with the NUM or other senior hospital executives. The rewards will also serve as a source of motivation to other team members who may be apprehensive about the program.
4 How would you ensure engagement and positive contribution from the staff members who may be hesitant and apprehensive about the introduction of preceptorship program? (S or NYS)
These are the undecided team members. They still do not have an opinion on whether the program will eventually be beneficial to the students or not. I would therefore spend time with these team members and try to understand their perspective concerning teamwork in the preceptorship program. According to Sravani (2016), confidence matters greatly when you are trying to convince team members to embrace team work. Therefore, confidently and patiently explaining the goal/goals of our team to the hesitant team members ensures that they at least have a brief overview of the program from my own perspective while still fully believing in me and the decisions I make. According to Liden et. al. (2014), briefly outlining the eventual benefits of a team to the team mem...
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