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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Assignment (Coursework Sample)
For this assignment, run an ANOVA for a set of student data for Teton Grand. From the results of the ANOVA, determine if the teaching strategy and design of environmental studies seminars (e-learning, on-ground, blended) has a significant impact on the scores obtained on the final exam given at the conclusion of the courses (300 Words)
for reference on how to run anova also attached the results and how i got the results
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine if the design of environmental studies and teaching strategies (on-ground, e-learning, blended) had a significant bearing on scores attained in the final exam. On-ground, blended and e-learning, teaching strategies represented the independent variable. The dependent variable, on the other hand, was represented by scores obtained on the final exam.
Based on the ANOVA output, there was no statistically significant difference (impact) witnessed on the scores received in the final exam following design of environmental studies and teaching strategies (on-ground, e-learning, blended).The p-value, p= 0.177, obtained exceeds the significance level, F (2,488) = 1.737, p>0.05. Furthermore, the test of homogeneity of variances produced significant results, Levene’s F (2, 488) = 1.426, p = .241 based on mean, F (2, 488) = 1.343, p = .262 based on median, F (2, 488) = 1.299, p = .274 based on trimmed mean, implying that the homogeneity assumption of means, which underlies the application of Analysis of Variance, was not met.
Eta squared (ω2)= Sum of squares between Groups/Total sum of squares
The overall output would then be written as F (2,488) = 1.737, p>.05, ω2=.007
ω2 = .007 gives an indication of the omnibus effect size (st...
Lecturer’s Name:
Course Name & Title:
Date of Submission:
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine if the design of environmental studies and teaching strategies (on-ground, e-learning, blended) had a significant bearing on scores attained in the final exam. On-ground, blended and e-learning, teaching strategies represented the independent variable. The dependent variable, on the other hand, was represented by scores obtained on the final exam.
Based on the ANOVA output, there was no statistically significant difference (impact) witnessed on the scores received in the final exam following design of environmental studies and teaching strategies (on-ground, e-learning, blended).The p-value, p= 0.177, obtained exceeds the significance level, F (2,488) = 1.737, p>0.05. Furthermore, the test of homogeneity of variances produced significant results, Levene’s F (2, 488) = 1.426, p = .241 based on mean, F (2, 488) = 1.343, p = .262 based on median, F (2, 488) = 1.299, p = .274 based on trimmed mean, implying that the homogeneity assumption of means, which underlies the application of Analysis of Variance, was not met.
Eta squared (ω2)= Sum of squares between Groups/Total sum of squares
The overall output would then be written as F (2,488) = 1.737, p>.05, ω2=.007
ω2 = .007 gives an indication of the omnibus effect size (st...
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