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Comparison and Younger and Older Generation (Coursework Sample)


The paper focused at the importance of oral history. The students was required to conduct an oral history interview and give a comparison the childhood of two generations.


Surname: Report on Comparison of Childhood Leisure Pursuits of Different Generations
Report on Comparison of Childhood Leisure Pursuits of Different Generations
It is generally perceived that different generations of people from different backgrounds go through different childhood experiences, especially in terms of leisure pursuits. It is of essence to note that this is normally, to a great extent dictated by individuals’ background factors such as social class, ethnicity and historical times when they live. However, not much has been done to support the above mentioned generalized notion. In this line, it was of essence to conduct an oral history interview to ascertain the above mentioned perception.
Information gathered through such oral history interviews is crucial as it can be used in local archives, libraries, and museums. Moreover, it adds insights between generations. Furthermore, it may form an important source for radio and TV programs (Yoshida, 2013). After thoroughly conducting an oral history interview pertaining to the above mentioned perception, this report brings into focus its findings, after which sound conclusions are made.
1 Procedure
To start with, I read some books and journals related to the topic. In addition, I researched over the internet in order to familiarize myself with the issue at hand. Secondly, objectively formulated interview questions that would help shed light on how the different interviewees spent their leisure were prepared. Thirdly, 6 male and 6 female interviewees from different backgrounds and age brackets were identified. Specifically, 3 male and 3 females aged between 30-59 years were identified. On the other hand, 3 males and 3 females aged above 60 years were identified. This was of great essence in order to ensure gender balance in the entire issue.
Thirdly, an interview venue and date was identified and agreed upon between the respondents and myself. Lastly, on the interview date, after striking a rapport between I and the respondents, I orally posed the questions to the respondents and recorded their response with a tape recorder; after seeking their consent. However, during the interview, I found myself asking spontaneous questions that I had not prepared, but they emerged as the interview proceeded in order to get clarifications. Eventually, all the findings were well recorded and they are as presented below.
2. Findings
2.1 Indulgence in sex
It was found that different individuals engaged in sex at different ages of their childhood. Specifically, those from low social classes engaged in sex at an advanced age as compared to their colleagues from more respectable social who tended to engage in sex at an earlier age. Equally, the older generation that is those aged above 60 years also concurred to engage in sex at an advanced age as compared to their counterparts in the younger generation, that is those aged between 30-59 years. Moreover, those who were brought up in urban areas in both generations also agreed to have engaged in sex at an earlier age in their childhood as compared to their colleagues who were brought up in rural areas. Furthermore, it also became apparent that females across both generations engaged in sex at an earlier age as compared to their male counterparts across both generations.
2.2 Indulgence in drugs
It was revealed that males in the younger generation engaged in drug and substance abuse at an earlier age as compared to their counterparts in the older generation. Additionally, the younger generation seemed to be exposed to more kinds of drugs as compared to their counterparts in the older generation. Moreover, those who were brought up in urban areas also engaged in drug and substance abuse at an earlier age as compared to those who were brought up in urban areas. Equally, most of the females across all backgrounds did not engage in drug and substance abuse but a few of them engaged in it at a totally advanced age.
2.3 Parental guidance
Parental guidance is one of the critical factors that greatly influence how different people spend their childhood, especially how they spend their leisure. In this part, it was clearly evident that different people from different backgrounds witnessed different levels of parental guidance. Specifically, the older generation experienced a higher level of parental guidance from both parents. Equally, those from lower classes and those brought up in rural areas also received a higher level of parental guidance. Conversely, those from higher social classes and those brought up in urban areas witnessed little parental guidance from both parents.
2.4 Types of entertainment
The kinds of entertainment that different people from different backgrounds involved themselves into also differed significantly. Specifically, those from higher social classes engaged in more modern and relatively expensive types of entertainment as compared to their counterparts from lower social classes. Equally, the younger generation also engaged in modern types of entertainment as compared to the older generation that engaged in old-fashioned kinds of entertainment. Additionally, the kinds of entertainments also differed across gender and ethnic backgrounds. For instance, most females liked staying back at home listening to music, while most of the males liked going out for cinemas.
2.5 Family chores
In this part, it was revealed that those who were brought up in rural areas were involved in more family chores as compared to their counterparts who were brought up in urban areas. Equally, females across all backgrounds were also engaged in more family chores as compared to the males. Additionally, there seemed to be a clear distinction as to the types of family chores that the two genders were supposed to engage in. For instance, females were more involved in house chores, like washing while males were involved in more demanding family chores like farm preparation. Additionally, it also emerged that almost all the interviewees were not earning remuneration for the family chores that they assisted in.
2.6 Education
In this line, it was clear that different people from different backgrounds and generations begun their formal education at different ages. Additionally, they also attended different kinds learning institutions. Specifically, those from higher social classes attended relatively expensive private schools that are normally associated with high quality education. Conversely, those from lower social classes attended public schools that are generally associated with low quality education. Equally, the different interviewees also engaged in different kinds of sports and activities during their school time. For instance, some engaged in music, while some participated in co-curricular activities such as ball games, depending on their interests and talents.
3. Discussion
From the findings, it was apparent that different people from different backgrounds engaged in sex at different ages and this is attributable to various reasons. To begin with, those who were brought up in urban areas engaged in sex at an earlier age because they had a lot of leisure time. Additionally, they were exposed to sexual immorality that is commonly witnessed in urban areas; hence their wayward behavior (Carrellas, 2007). Furthermore, they lacked enough parental guidance as most urbanite parents tend to be busy people as they try to make ends meet (Lewis, 2009). Therefore, they had limited time to interact with their children; thus guide them.
Conversely, those brought up in rural areas engaged in sex at an advanced age because they were involved in many household chores; hence they lacked enough leisure time (Arzola, 2008). Additionally, they were constantly being monitored by their rural parents, who are normally strict and preservative (Galea and Vlahov, 2005). Furthermore, they were not exposed to sexual immorality; which is not common in rural areas (United Nations, 2007). Equally, those from higher social class families also engaged in sex at an earlier age as they had a lot of free leisure time (Forum on Youth: Security, Opportunity and Prosperity, 2003). Additionally, they were also exposed to sexual immorality through the media, which was not the case with their colleagues from lower class families (McKay, Harrison, Gonzales, and Quintana, 2014).
It was also apparent that those from urban areas indulged themselves in drug and substance abuse at an earlier age as compared to those from rural areas. This is mainly due to the fact that those from urban areas are exposed to more drug users and more kinds of drugs (Freire and Stren, 2001). Therefore, they tended to be negatively influenced to experiment drugs. Additionally, they lack sound parental guidance as their parents are ever busy trying to make ends meet (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 2003). Furthermore, they lacked a good role model who they can look up to, and emulate his/ her good behaviors (Marans and Stimson, 2011). Conversely, those brought up in rural areas were never exposed to many types of drugs and drug users (Pahl-Weber,, 2013). Additionally, they were constantly being monitored by their parents who in most cases turn out to be strict (Rogers, Union Institute and University, 2008). Therefore, they had limited chances of engaging in drug and substance abuse.
On the other hand it was apparent that those from rural areas witnessed a higher level of parental guidance, especially from both parents. This is mainly because rural parents are able to spend ample time with their children (Hjòrne, Aalsvoort, and Abreu, 2012). Consequently, they are able to correct and guide them in the right direction. Conversely, urban parents fail to spend ample time with their children as they are busy most of the time as they try to make e...
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