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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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Impact of Ethnicity and Race on a Person's Life (Coursework Sample)


Ethnicity and race both are interlinked and have a great impact on a person's life, goals profession, and status in society.
I am an Asian. Close enough to an “oppressed minority”. I was not discriminated against or been the subject of racism. I had many opportunities that I am grateful for and have never been denied any because of my race. I reject the idea that people are privileged because they were born a certain color and I believe this question is meaningless. A person’s future is under their control and based on the effort they put in.


Ethnicity and race both are interlinked and have a great impact on a person's life, goals profession, and status in society.
I am an Asian. Close enough to an “oppressed minority”. I was not discriminated against or been the subject of racism. I had many opportunities that I am grateful for and have never been denied any because of my race. I reject the idea that people are privileged because they were born a certain color and I believe this question is

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