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Six Models of Evaluation Social Sciences Coursework (Coursework Sample)


the paper required an understanding of the key concepts from a given chapter reading and summary of the main arguments


Six Models of Evaluation
Institutional Affiliation
Six Models of Evaluation
Key Concepts
Vedung’s chapter “Six Models of Evaluation” discusses common approaches to the evaluation of public interventions. He defines evaluation as a future-oriented meticulous appraisal of current and finished government interventions to direct better strategies (Vedung, 2012). He presents six common models: goal-attainment, side-effects, relevance, client-oriented, stakeholder, and collegial models. The goal-attainment model compares the outcome of an intervention with the intended goal. The side-effects model investigates anticipated and unanticipated consequences of an intervention that occur besides its target outcome. The relevance model explores the usefulness and sufficiency of interventions to the underlying problems. The client-oriented model is concerned with the perceptions of the intervention’s recipients towards its efficacy in problem-solving. The stakeholder model investigates an intervention’s effect on other parties concerned with the outcome. Finally, the collegial model is a process-based framework that features expert opinions on technical issues.

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