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Radicalisation and Self-Motivated Terrorism in Europe (Dissertation Sample)


The dissertation was to show cause of radicalization and its effect to western countries and UK

Radicalisation and Self-Motivated Terrorism in Europe
22 Jan. 15

Acknowledgement...................................................................................................... (i)
Content page............................................................................................................... (ii)
List(s) of tables and/or illustrations...................................................... (iii)
Main text..................................................................................................12
Chapter one............................ Research Agenda and Definitions
Phases of the Agendas....................................................................13
Definition of terms..........................................................................14
Chapter two.................................. The Dissertation Data Methodology
Literature Review.........................................................................17
Internet methodology.....................................................................18
The global Islamic context...........................................................20
Europeans population context....................................................22
Chapter three.................................... Threats from Islamic terrorist to UK and Europe
History of radicalisation and self-motivated terrorism.................25
Radicalisation, Political violence and Terrorism in Europe.........27
The process of radicalisation............................................................28
Chapter four..................................... Factors Motivating Radicalisation and Self-Motivational Terrorism
Triggered Factors..................................................................................35
Background Factors .............................................................................40
Opportunity Factor................................................................................43
5. Chapter five....................................... Counter and Prevention of Radicalisation and Self Motivated Terrorism
Preventive measures of radicalisation and terrorism...............................52
Tables and figures Page
Figure 1: The number of Muslim in leading countries.............................22
Figure 2: showing the population of Islam’s in Europe..........................23
Figure 3: Illustration terrorism threats both internal and external in Europe resulting from self-motivated terrorism...................................................................25
Figure 4: shows process and phases of radicalisation..............................30
Figure 5: shows areas of counter radicalisation and terrorism................53
Internal Affairs/Relations
Islamic radicalization and self-motivated terrorism in United Kingdom (UK) and Europe
The main aim of the project is give an appraisal of the factors facilitating Islamite violence and the rampant growing terrorism in UK and Europe. The aim is give clear evidence to the features and mechanism through which radicalisation takes process with full support to indentify similar respond to measures of radicalisation. The effects of Islamist radicalisation and terror have been growing rapidly in United kingdom and Europe for the last three years. They have been targeting through buses, airplanes, airports and trains. In other cases, planned attacks have been redirected to public places such as market, populated streets, clubs and parliaments. Most of those who are involved are either citizens of Europe but with very close interaction with Islamic community. It is not easy to determine or categorize factors influencing radicalisation procedure. However, collection of factors is important to elaborate the reason that has made most of Islamic young men have emerged to arrange and carry on with killing terrorist attacks and even converting women.
The root cause of radicalisation usually is believed to be cultivated by the individuals who feel to be frustrated by the government, society or the policy. Thus, individuals meets with other people with the minded idea in their minds, finally they come together with a chain of events which at long last ends up in terrorism. Nevertheless, not all members ends up becoming terrorist because other drops from radicalisation before it goes far at a different stages. The worlds worried how the terrorism fact through radicalisation is taking place in high speed and spreading anonymously in the world in this digital arena. Because of rapid growth of radicalisation groups, the world is also in a great fear of possible attacks from very small starting terrorist groups. Additionally, the studies shows that the main problem associates with indentifying the terrorist who are involved in attack cannot be easily recognized because they look very normal.
Islamic radicalisation and self-motivated terror takes in the following four phases:
Identification and conversation with radical Islam
Increasing group strength and indoctrination
Planning actual terrorism activities
Rapid growing of radicalization and self motivated terrorism in UK and Europe is a unique process through which it can ca not be clear indentified by individual in a common profile. Through phase one and 2 as mentioned above they are seem to have logic progress in terror events and acts to the increasingly and advanced radicalisation. According to the studies, the process of radicalisation begins to be very young. Thus, individuals comes together in looking for the cause of where a strong Muslim identity further find an answer in the ideology of radical Islam. However, radicalisation may take place in a very weak network or peer friend. Radicalisation terror groups are formed from the ground and grows into autonomously speed to a certain level. Moreover, in several recent terrorism cases in Europe, international and overseas travel integration has been facilitated in the phase 3 and 4. For instance, the terror group Al Qaida is believed to be the coordinator and the root of inspiration in networking the other terrorism group.
Radicalisation process has three main motivational influential factors:
Trigger factors such as-
Activism desire and the Jihad myths
Incident of single provocative and western policy
Spiritual advisors and charismatic persons
Background factors like-
personal trauma
identification of Islamic crisis
perceiving injustice and alienation
factors of deprivation of relative and discrimination
fact of Muslim debate on terrorism associated with Islamist
racial segregation
Opportunity factors such as:
The mosque
Internet and satellite networking
Sporting activities
Radicalisation terrorism is sociological phenomenon whereby issues as if transformation process, group dynamics, belonging and identity are give the first priority. However, religion plays a big role. A complex process thus should be undertaking its root cause in preventing radicalisation and Islamic extremism. In the society is it very difficult to identify the single effects and causes of radicalisation. The only remaining option to counter radicalisation is through preventing youth from engaging in radicalisation process. There are several measures of countering radicalisation such as:-
Training police officers, teachers, social workers imams and street workers about the past warning signs of radicalisation as crucial.
Counter ideology efforts to rebel distribution of radical development, done through schooling in order to confuse misinterpreted myths. Muslim community should be taught ways of countering radical Islamists strategic places youths can meet. For example, enforcing the regulations with minimum values for the Islamic schools to involve counter extremism schedule and the so called inter- faith programme.
Improving public diplomacy with an aim of focusing the close persons is an important aspect to challenge the misperception and myths about western community policies.
Islamic community should stand still to challenge extremists in a direct point at a place of prospect fir the radicalisation. Additionally, the local authority and government should have a close relationship to support local activities in the community. The general purpose of this dissertation is to explore the ideologies, narrative and beliefs leading to radicalism violence because of abusive interpretation of Islamic community. With this preview, it is easy to determine and understand the remedies and cause for the violent radicalisation. The research is hereby to collect and analyse empirical data through primary field work and visiting internet for more information. The key states to be analysed are France, United Kingdom, Denmark and Germany. The research on these nations is to capture the diversity Muslim community in each cou...
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