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Vaccine hesitancy: The role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children (UK) (Dissertation Sample)

The Sample contains a dissertation on The topic "Vaccine hesitancy: The role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children (UK)" was chosen. Interpretivism philosophy, inductive approach, qualitative method, SLR strategy, and thematic analysis METHODS were used for conducting this research. Articles and journals are used for gathering information and for selecting articles, PICO framework, eligibility criteria, inclusion and exclusion criteria, PRISMA framework, CASP framework, and data review table were utilised. Criteria, keywords, and resources of articles were analyzed for increasing the accuracy of gathered information for this disseratation. source..
VACCINE HESITANCY: THE ROLE OF PATIENT EDUCATION IN THE PROMOTION OF VACCINATION IN CHILDREN (UK) Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc146800133 \h 31.1 Background PAGEREF _Toc146800134 \h 31.2 Rationale PAGEREF _Toc146800135 \h 31.3 Research Aim & Objectives PAGEREF _Toc146800136 \h 41.4 Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc146800137 \h 41.5 Significance of Study PAGEREF _Toc146800138 \h 41.6 Structure of Dissertation PAGEREF _Toc146800139 \h 41.7 Summary PAGEREF _Toc146800140 \h 5CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc146800141 \h 62.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc146800142 \h 62.2 Research Design PAGEREF _Toc146800143 \h 62.3 Research Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc146800144 \h 72.4 Research Approach PAGEREF _Toc146800145 \h 72.5 Research Method PAGEREF _Toc146800146 \h 82.6 Research Strategy PAGEREF _Toc146800147 \h 82.7 Data Collection PAGEREF _Toc146800148 \h 92.8 Data Analysis Method PAGEREF _Toc146800149 \h 142.9 Ethical Consideration PAGEREF _Toc146800150 \h 142.10 Summary PAGEREF _Toc146800151 \h 14CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS PAGEREF _Toc146800152 \h 163.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc146800153 \h 163.2 Findings (SLR) PAGEREF _Toc146800154 \h 163.2 Summary PAGEREF _Toc146800155 \h 21CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSION PAGEREF _Toc146800156 \h 224.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc146800157 \h 224.2 Linking with Objectives PAGEREF _Toc146800158 \h 224.3 Summary PAGEREF _Toc146800159 \h 26CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc146800160 \h 275.1 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc146800161 \h 275.2 Research Limitations PAGEREF _Toc146800162 \h 275.3 Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc146800163 \h 275.4 Future Scope PAGEREF _Toc146800164 \h 28References PAGEREF _Toc146800165 \h 29 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Vaccination is important for children because of the immunity and growth of children but in the UK the vaccine hesitancy can be seen. Vaccination promotion can be useful for increasing knowledge about the efficiency of vaccines in children's health (Chadwick et al. 2021). Patient education reflects an impact on vaccination promotion because patients decide the requirements of vaccines for children. Children can be easily affected by any disease or virus because of their low immunity and their growth can also be affected and for that, vaccination is important. As per patients' opinion children get vaccines and for that, the immunity and growth of children can be affected. Patient education in the UK in 2022 is 74% with high education and 57% with medium education (, 2022). The rate indicates that patients are educated and they can be used for minimizing vaccine hesitancy in children's vaccination processes. Patients can analyze the utility of vaccination for children and promotion can be done but the patients who have low education have to face difficulties in understanding the efficiency of vaccination. Figure 1.1: Patient Education in the UK (Source:, 2022) 1.2 Rationale Vaccine hesitancy is the refusal of taking vaccines for any disease or virus and it can be seen due to a lack of knowledge about the vaccine and its efficiency. Vaccination promotion for children indicates the process to give information about vaccines and their requirements for children's health (Obohwemu et al. 2022). Patient education is important for maintaining vaccination programs because patients can understand the utility easily but lack of education is causing issues in children's health. In the UK, the immunization rate of children is 92.2% and that is effective in improving children's health (Stewart, 2022). There are some children who are able to get vaccines due to poor understanding and the analysis is helpful to determine the importance of patient education in vaccination for children. The process of minimizing the issues in patient education and increasing vaccination promotion should be known and this research can be effective in improving the vaccination rate of the UK. Improvement in patients' knowledge and vaccination can be done with the help of the analysis in the research. 1.3 Research Aim & Objectives Aim The aim of the research is to analyze vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children of the UK. Objectives * To understand the impacts of vaccine hesitancy on children’s immunity and growth * To examine the role of patient education in children vaccination promotion in the UK * To analyze the challenges in improving patient education about vaccination and its efficiency * To suggest recommendations for increasing the patient education system and vaccination process 1.4 Research Questions RQ1: What are the impacts of vaccine hesitancy on children’s immunity and growth? RQ2: What is the role of patient education in children's vaccination promotion in the UK? RQ3: What are the challenges in improving patient education about vaccination and its efficiency? RQ4: What are the recommendations for increasing the patient education system and vaccination process? 1.5 Significance of Study The research is based on vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education in vaccination promotion and it is important for analysis because proper knowledge about vaccines can be gathered. Requirements of vaccination for children can be known and it can reflect an impact on immunity and growth of children. Vaccine hesitancy can be seen in the UK due to patient education but with development in patient education vaccination promotion can be done by them and children's health can be improved. The analysis of the research is effective for improving the vaccination process and better medical facilities can be maintained. 1.6 Structure of Dissertation Figure 1.2: Structure of Dissertation (Source: Created by the Researcher) 1.7 Summary The importance of vaccination and its impact on children's health can be known and it is effective in improving the patient education process. Immunity and growth of children are dependent on the vaccination and lack of patient education is causing vaccine hesitancy. The analysis of the importance and impact of patient education on children's health can be useful for minimizing vaccine hesitancy and it can be useful for minimizing vaccination issues. The aim & objectives, research questions, significance, rationale, and overall concept of vaccination are discussed for understanding the efficiency of the research. The usefulness of the vaccination and the role of patient education can be known by fulfilling the objectives and proper information can be gathered through the research. CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 2.1 Introduction The methodology is an essential part of the research because it helps to maintain a smooth, effective, and manageable process in the research. It provides legitimacy in the research and sound and accurate findings can be gathered with methodology. Proper techniques and procedures can be selected and their efficiency of them can also be known. Data collection and its analysis process can be selected as per the requirements of the research and it is useful for increasing the quality of the research. Research Onion was founded by Saunders in 2007 and it is a methodology tool that helps to select different factors in the research for gathering proper information (Saunders et al. 2007). There are different layers in the tool for maintaining research philosophy, approach, method, strategy, data collection, and data analysis process. The research is maintained through research onion and as per the tool all parts are selected and implemented. Accuracy and efficiency of the data are dependent on these parts and to maintain effective findings this tool is very useful. Figure 2.1: Research Onion (Source: Saunders et al. 2007) 2.2 Research Design Research question: What is the role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children? Framework items Outcomes P (problems of patients) Vaccination of children is important for healthy growth but the education of patients is affecting the impact on the understanding importance of vaccines in children’s health. I (Intervention) Proper knowledge of patients on vaccines can be helpful to promote the vaccination process for children and the efficiency of vaccines can be known to all. C (control) Vaccine hesitancy can be minimized with the help of educated patients and their support in the vaccination process. O (outcomes) Required vaccines can be given to children and healthy growth can be improved and no vaccine hesitancy can be seen. Table 1: PICO discussion (Source: Created by the Researcher) 2.3 Research Philosophy Interpretivism research philosophy is important for the research because it helps to maintain an effective process of data analysis and useful findings can be gathered. Valid and essential information about vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education can be gathered with this philosophy and it is beneficial for the research. Different aspects of vaccine promotion of children can be discussed properly and it can increase the quality of the research information. An in-depth analysis of collected information is required for increasing effectivity of the research and interpretivism helps to maintain the analysis process properly and effectively (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). Proper development of the research quality and accurate information collection can be done with this philosophy and effective findings can be gathered for the research. 2.4 Research Approach The inductive research approach is effective for the research because it is useful in modifying techniques and processes as per the collected data. It can increase the efficiency of the data analysis and accurate information can be identified for in-depth discussion (Walter and Ophir, 2019). Vaccine hesitancy is very effective for children and to minimize the issues the role of patient education can be analyzed with this...
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