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Research on investment strategy of Green Industry Fund (Editing Sample)

At present, the first three chapters have been written, and an outline needs to be listed. The outline needs to be listed in the third-level heading. The first-level heading is the chapter table of contents, the second-level heading is the section table of contents, and the third-level heading is the subdivided problem points. The difficulty must meet the requirements of the graduation defense of the doctoral dissertation, and the structure should be clear. The abstract of the thesis, the introduction of the paper, the literature review, and the theoretical part have been written, and about four to five chapters are needed. Clearly, the title is a research on the investment strategy of green industry funds. source..
Outline TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter 1: Introduction PAGEREF _Toc110766769 \h 3Research background PAGEREF _Toc110766770 \h 3Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc110766771 \h 3Purpose of the Study PAGEREF _Toc110766772 \h 3Goal(s) of Research PAGEREF _Toc110766773 \h 3Research purpose PAGEREF _Toc110766774 \h 3The theoretical basis of the research PAGEREF _Toc110766775 \h 3Subject of Investigation PAGEREF _Toc110766776 \h 3Problem (-s) Identification, Justification and Resolution – Summary PAGEREF _Toc110766777 \h 3Chapter 2: Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc110766778 \h 3Carbon Peaking, Carbon Neutrality Goals and Carbon Trading PAGEREF _Toc110766779 \h 3Development, Prospect and Institutional Guarantee of China's "One Belt, One Road" Strategy PAGEREF _Toc110766780 \h 3Zero Emissions Strategy Practice in all Countries in the World PAGEREF _Toc110766781 \h 3The Development Status of Chinese and Foreign Countries in Green Industry Funds and Green Investment PAGEREF _Toc110766782 \h 3Green Finance Financing Environment and Operation Management PAGEREF _Toc110766783 \h 3Green Fund Evaluation: Performance and Industry Allocation PAGEREF _Toc110766784 \h 3Risk Control of Green Industry Fund PAGEREF _Toc110766785 \h 3Investment Strategy of Green Industry Fund PAGEREF _Toc110766786 \h 3Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework PAGEREF _Toc110766787 \h 4Corporate finance theory PAGEREF _Toc110766788 \h 4Corporate Finance Overview PAGEREF _Toc110766789 \h 4Objectives of Corporate Finance and Requirements of Stakeholder PAGEREF _Toc110766790 \h 4Financial valuation PAGEREF _Toc110766791 \h 4Financial Markets and Financial Instruments PAGEREF _Toc110766792 \h 4Efficient capital market hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc110766793 \h 4Green development and sustainable development PAGEREF _Toc110766794 \h 4Status and function of sustainable green economic development PAGEREF _Toc110766795 \h 4The key influencing factors of sustainable green economic development PAGEREF _Toc110766796 \h 4Chapter 4: Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc110766797 \h 4Actuality, Newness, Practical Value of Research PAGEREF _Toc110766798 \h 4Main Stages of Research PAGEREF _Toc110766799 \h 4Research Method PAGEREF _Toc110766800 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc110766801" Development of Methodology for Formation of Criteria for Green Economy PAGEREF _Toc110766801 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc110766802" Criteria for Assessing the Green Economy PAGEREF _Toc110766802 \h 4Chapter 5: Management PAGEREF _Toc110766803 \h 4Fund Evaluation and Green Efficiency Evaluation System PAGEREF _Toc110766804 \h 4Research...
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