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Management and Organization Research Assignment Paper (Editing Sample)


the task was to rewrite and edit the paper. The sample is about influential skills, negotiation skills and conflicting interests in management and organization.


Management and Organization
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Management and Organization
Influencing skills
Influencing skill is a necessary and vital tool in any organization. Influential skill is the ability of an individual to sway others to their way of thinking. This is normally done without the involvement of force or coercion. It is a situation that occurs frequently in most of the organizational dealings. Therefore, it is of great necessity for an individual to implement and practice an influential skill to ensure effectiveness and competency. Personally, I have come across and worked with people who are well known for their influential power irrespective of age, position or financial power. Frequently, influencing skill is exhibited in occasions where the organization requires necessary solutions regarding an alarming issue. According to Thomas, K.W., and R.H. Kilmann, this is the time where members of the organization don't think of anyone else but only them winning and may even not corporate with the others just to win.
For instance, I tested my influencing skills during a work engagement with Chinese colleagues. The main issue was to analyze the purpose of our presentation and how each of us should contribute to the overall project. It was indeed a simple matter; however, it took us a couple of hours deciding on what was the best thing to do. As a member, I managed to influence and convince my colleague on the best analysis method and who was in the best position to carry out the presentation. At the end of the day, the whole team seconded my proposal and later emerged with as winners in our presentation. Therefore, influencing skill is an integral part of decision making and solution solving.
Conflicting interests
Conflict of interest is a situation that arises when an individual or company is involved with multiple opinions regarding a critical issue. Conflict of interest may arise due to several different factors such as culture and belief. Conflicts of interest are termed to be ubiquitous. Conflicts of interest are not necessarily a pushback. It is rather a description of a set of circumstances that takes various forms and can be manifested in several settings. The conflicts are normally based on situations, which there is reliance on the judgment of an external party with precise professional expertise. Individually, I encountered a moment of interest difference when I was an IBMS student. The conflict of interest was specifically as a result of cultural differences.
My group members engaged in a conflict regarding leadership position. The members were conflicting about the person suit to represent the entire group as a leader. Additionally, the group focused on an individual with fair and acceptable cultural practice. As a result, every participating member was forced to contribute by offering the suggestion on the choice of interest. Unfortunately, this action resulted in a great conflict of interest, which forced the group to involve an outside party to resolve the issue . Nonetheless, Thomas Kilman's conflict Mode Instrument is the effective and appropriate tool that provides various means of handling conflicts. The tool enables individuals to understand how diverse-conflict handling methods impact interpersonal as well as group dynamics. The tools assist an individual in choosing the right way to solve the conflict. It analyses the conflict through assertiveness and cooperativeness. Therefore, Thomas's conflict Mode instrument is the best way o solving conflicts arising in any group.
Negotiation skill
Negotiation situations result when a group of individuals or parties disagree concerning an important issue. Negotiation skill is therefore required to bring together the differing parties by hammering out a solution that is acceptable and fair to all the involved individuals. This was clear during one time when we were negotiating on what method to use in researching for our group assignments and different members of the group gave different ideas depending on what they felt was the goal they want to achieve in the project .according to Harvard circle, there is no business skill is important compared to negotiation. Therefore, it is of great necessity to practice best negotiation skills to accomplish the set goals and objectives. Additionally, Mastenbroek test greatly assists an individual on what to do in case of conflict or confusion. It plays a significant role in helping people make appropriate and suitable decision regarding an issue.
The style I embraced to solve this issue was to accommodate all their views and negotiate one method that will help all achieve an end goal that was to submit an excellently researched project. The influence of this style was that at the end of the day we chose of the most effective research methods that were okay with all the members of the group and ended up with a good project. In a case of future conflict or disagreement, I would use both collaborating and compromise conflict-handling methods to influence and negotiate on the issue.
Thomas Killman test results
Score on accommodating:2Low score.Score on avoiding: 9High score.Score on seeking to compromise: 8Average score.Score on collaborating: 7Average score.Score on competing: 4Average score.
Five –methods of handling conflict
10 Influencing skills – Self-Analysis questionnaire
Scores Ranking
1 GC 4-3-4= 11x3= 33 2
2 P 3-3-3= 9x3= 27 3
3 TP 4-4-3= 11x3=33 2
4 R 4-4-4= 12x3=36 1
5 LS 3-3-2= 8x3=24 4
6 I 3-1-4= 8x3=24 4
7 GR 3-4-4= 11x3=33 2
8 O 4-3-2= 9x3=27 3
9 C 3-2-3= 8x3=24 4
10 T 3-3-3= 9x3=27 3
GC= giving compliments R=Reasoning
P= Profiling
LS= Listening, summarising and asking follow-up questions
TP= Taking a position
I= Involving the other person
GR= Giving recognition to the other person
O= Outlining an attractive future perspective
C= Connecting with the other person’s values
T= Taking the first step
1,2 and 3 Forceful kind of behaviour
4 Reasoning and argumentation
5,6 and 7 room for aspects to do with the relationship besides the task orientation
8,9,10 Focus on inspiring others









































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