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Controversial Artistic Presentations (Essay Sample)


Write a 3-page paper on your experience of seeing a work of art. 
Visit an art gallery. See the web site below for a gallery map of Topeka first Friday exhibits.
Options: There are galleries in Lawrence, Kansas City, Wichita, Manhattan, etc.
*Attach one of the following: gallery card, flyer, or artist information with your paper.


Controversial Artistic Presentations
Controversial Artistic Presentations
Description of the Art Piece
The Sleep Walker is the name of one of the art drawings drawn by Eric Fischl in the year 1979. Eric Fischl is an American painter, printmaker and sculptor born in 1948 in New York City. The artist portrays a young-looking man masturbating in a children’s pool. Fischl created the portrait to portray a contemporary American society that included issues such as sexuality, desire, incest and hostility. Portraits with such subjects are not often displayed openly in American art institutions. Such a piece of art is seen as potentially objectionable to the general public and the society.
Artists Intension
His intent was to make the bad sexual inappropriate paintings more surprising to the society. He was showing the inappropriate and out of place nature of the harmful sexual practices of the community. He was caught up in a grandiose and extravagant gesture of making marks, and he was in search of that moment of perfection and realization which arrives by means of the intuitive process.
How can cultural differences change the way art is viewed
If the society can look at the impressions made by different kinds of art, as well as learning about the history of such presentations in books, museums lectures and galleries. Art is one of the essential frills of life, not just for purposes of decorations used in rooms or simply for beauty. The most essentials of art are the passing of information on love, death, sexuality, war, affirmation of the human spirit and other human relationships. Art is to be viewed as a job description that make people feel, look and think by whatever means that is necessary.
According to the artist training various visions, experiences and points of reference are always used to show any acts in the society, be it negative or positive. Art can always be much more than what meets the eye. It is always more than the rectangular or square pieces on the wall and even the pieces of sculpture on the pedestal platforms. Cultural differences should ensure the evolution of more forms of art, several of which cross over from the old or random barriers of labels and categories to the new forms that mix different artistic presentations. It is the duty of the people in the comunity to educate and civilize the people in distinguishing a good form of art from a severe form of art without engaging in controversies. For this to be accomplished, there is a need for effective communication by the artists who nee to create freely and even question the assumptions about the kind of art they present. Many of the traditional paintings, for example, have been trying to create an illusion of the reality. The viewer can see into the outside world.
Use of active seeing
Many of the artists in the world always have different visions they need to express. The best way to express such is through their artistic power. Such kinds of visions and messages cannot be expressed trough the use of words. Art in itself has its language that can be used to send out and express ideas, history, emotions, fears, colour, spirit and space. It is vita for the comunity to be educated through such presentations. Any artistic presentation has a message it is trying to communicate to the community. Such information can be cultural, educational, enlightening and enriching to the community or any ethnic group. The eye can be educated through seeing the relationships of both colour and form.
The more the society looks at different artistic presentation, the more the meaning of the art is communicated to the people. Many of the art designs are always about what is seen. The paintings were just about what they are about; a landscape presentation is just a landscape presentation. But, any painting or sculpture has a clear meaning that is related to it. They all have a symbolic representation of the human morality, be it a sculpture like "The Sleepwalking" it always has a symbolic meaning that is attached to it and information the artist is trying to pass across. Such a concise presentation of information creates the artistically abstracted images and it is the ability of the viewer to select what is relevant to the image created that is important.
Use of critical thinking in understanding art
There are numerous approaches that people can use in critical thinking to understand many forms of art. People can create illusions of reality and critically think on the perspectives, foreshortening representation, trying to create out a three-dimensional shading of the image and other clues that can give the illusion a spatial depth. Critically thinking, there is a significant difference in the subject matter of the art, and the content being passed in modern and the contemporary art.
Paper Two
My experience at the blue gallery in Kansas City one of the most respected galleries. There are excellent commercial work representations in the gallery by most of the well-known artists. Along with the general selection of original art paintings, there are also prints and knick-knacks. The overall value of the gallery is excellent. Both the staff and the managers at the gallery are very friendly and knowledgeable. Such an environment was the best way for an art collector to get the best painting of Chris Ofili "The Holy Virgin Mary." The art was created in the year 1996. It is one of the many sensational displays in the gallery. Given that the subject of the painting caused a...
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