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Psychological Movie Review: Rent (Essay Sample)


The paper is about a review of a movie by the title Rent.


Psychological movie review
Psychological Movie Review-Rent (2005)
Rent is a musical drama showing lives of people from Bohemian as they struggle with life and paying their rent. Its relevance on the topic of psychological disorders is based on daily life circumstances that affect people in different ways as they are trying to live better lives thus undergoing various mental disorders in the process.
Some of the psychological disorders portrayed in the movie Rent include cross-dressing (wearing clothes of the opposite sex), sexuality, paying their house rent, drug addiction and difficult life of living with AIDS.
The movie relates to the course book by bringing out various circumstances in life that can cause psychological disorders and ways on how they can affect people’s lives and various ways to reconcile and leave a brotherly life. Example, Rogers’ ex-girlfriend killed herself, how they broke up with Mimi, the aftermath of Angel’s death and effects to Collins; life but lastly they reconcile after a bitter argument. Life pressure also exposed them to a lifestyle that is no socially good, life of drugs and lesbianism and gays to other people like Collins. They also had to struggle with life to pay rent.
Roger’s lifestyle and being distrustful made life challenging to their relationship with Mimi and also separa

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