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Scientific Summary Paper (Essay Sample)

Assignment Type: Essay (any type) Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages / 500 words (Double spacing) Education Level: College Language: English (US) Assignment Topic: Scientific paper summary Subject: Biology Citation Style: Other Upload files mcy1541.pdf Size: 640.9 Kb Instructions Read the article then write a 500-700 word summary of the article that answer the following questions below: 1. What is the scientific question that the authors are addressing in the paper? 2. Why is the topic relevant or important? 3. What were their hypotheses before beginning the study? 4. How did they set up experiments to test their hypotheses? 5. What did they learn? What is the author’s interpretation? 6. What new questions does the study suggest? The Summary needs to be in paragraph form and fully in your own words. Do not include text, images, or direct quotes from the article. source..
Scientific Paper Name Date Course The question being addressed in the article? In the Annal of Botany, while the authors were examining the history of seed number and flower size, coming up with their correlation, they implied a modern method referred to as the comparative phylogenetic approach. The quality examination of the historical application of the following questions was crucial. The first thing was to establish whether the evolutionary connection of taxa controls the evolution of seed number and flower size in monocotyledons. Secondly was, testing the actuality of correlated evolution connecting the seed number and flower size. Finally was to assess the evolutionary route between the seed number and flower size in their evolution and explain the way of the contest for the kin selection in the formation of angiosperms from seed number reduction. What is the relevance of the topic? It is vital since it provides information essential to understanding how these two features influence each other during evolution. This would also allow for predictions to be made about how the seed number and flower size might change in the future in response to environmental changes in the formation of angiosperm. In this scenario, the size of the flower is verified and determined by the examination of the google images. The hypothesis before the study Significantly, if such relationships hold true in these other plant groupings, flowering plants might be divided into two main categories depending on a seed number, ovule, and flower size. Secondly, the associated development of floral size and seed quantity suggests a potential new framework for investigating the evolution of various reproductive features, ranging from flower morphology and pollination methods to the seed number of each fruit. The setting of the experiment to test the hypothesis They did an analysis of the 69 monocotyledon families, which is nearly 74 in the category of the phylogeny. While doing the analysis, they applied the ultametric tree, which is a dated tree, since its taxa absolute age is proportional to its branch length and also gives an allowance for their comparison. Moreover, the data on seed number and flower size was fetched from several sources. From that observation, five of the analyzed families showed a significant variation in their seed number and flower size. After categorizing the flower size and compiling, other comments indicated the increase of 519 species and 111 genera. Furthermore, due to the limited number of genera, the sampling was done for every genera. After sampling all the species, they brought together the data of each species on their flowered families. After compiling the flower age, the distribution of the size is plotted for 142 genera. After finding the seed number and flower size data, they did data analysis, which is very important in every analysis. The lesson they learned and the author's interpretation This me...
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