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Article Analysis on Amazon Business & Marketing Essay (Essay Sample)


This task was to analyze Amazon's performance and HR strategies. This sample provides a brief analysis of the HR strategies used by Amazon company


Article Analysis on Amazon
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Article Analysis on Amazon
Working in Amazon
Every organization has challenges which range from employee dissatisfaction to customer dissatisfaction. However, the organizations are also trying to meet with the expectations of their stakeholders, which include customers and employees. I believe that the case of Amazon is just like any other organization that is dealing with the challenges. I would want to work at Amazon’s headquarters because once the problems are raised; I believe that the management can work to ensure that the organization meets the expectations of all its stakeholders. It may take some time, but eventually, the problems will be solved. For big organizations like Amazon, the management understands that every stakeholder is important and contributes to the organizational success in one way or another.
Individual Differences
Individual differences serve a significant role in the organization. Various personality traits can fit within the Amazon’s organizational culture. One of the characteristics or personality traits that can fit the Amazon’s organizational culture is conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is the ability to work with minimal supervision. As a big organization like Amazon, employees should be people are driven by their conscientious to complete their tasks. On the other hand, someone with extroversion traits can be a bad fit in the Amazon’s organizational culture. As stated in the article “Amazon, though, offers no pretense that catering to employees is a priority,” it is clear that someone with the extroversion traits, a person who wants to seek the attention of the institution cannot fit in the organization (Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015, p. 7).

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