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Final Project Milestone One: Introduction, Business Requirements, and Competitors and Technology (Essay Sample)

please follow rubric and guidelines -Overview This assignment is the first milestone that you will complete for your final project. In this milestone, you will address the following: • You will begin drafting parts of your final project, focusing on your business requirements, competitors, and technology. • This assignment is an important practice opportunity for you to create a draft and to get feedback from your instructor to improve your final draft. • The rubric reflects that this is a practice opportunity. You should focus on getting the necessary information into your draft. No draft is perfect. • This milestone aligns with sections I, II, and III of your final project. Use the questions in the critical elements as a guide. • You are free to work in the Final Project Template or on a separate word document for your drafts. o It is recommended you use the template to ensure you do not miss any items you need to address. The critical elements are highlighted in yellow in the template. • The decision matrix is not required for this milestone; however, you will be submitting the decision matrix in Milestone Two. It is recommended that you use the template provided to help narrow your technology recommendation. Prompt Imagine that you work for the small brick-and-mortar business described in the Final Project Case Scenario. The owner of your business wants to focus on generating new revenue through e-commerce, but she knows that this change in operations requires the company to integrate new technology. To gain an understanding of what the business might need for technology, she has asked you to create a business systems analysis. In this analysis, you will clearly introduce the problem that your business is facing. Then, you will determine the business requirements for solving that problem, including the requirements that any new technology needs to meet. Your goal in the final project is to establish an e-commerce presence, but you must improve the current technology first. Use the Decision Matrix document as you conduct your research for assistance in organizing your thoughts. (You will submit the completed decision matrix in Milestone Two.) For additional resources • What Is a Decision Matrix? Definition and Examples: This article defines the decision matrix and discusses how leaders evaluate and prioritize all of their options when considering solutions to a difficult task. • Decision Matrix Analysis: This article explains how to use a decision matrix analysis, a useful technique for making a choice when many factors must be balanced. A captioned version of this resource is available: Decision Matrix Analysis. • Decision Matrix Example: Use this resource to view an example of a completed decision matrix. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: In this section, you will briefly introduce the small business from the case scenario and the problem that it is trying to solve. A. Clearly state the problem that the business owner is seeking to solve. Be sure to address the question of what your business ultimately wants to do. B. Identify and briefly describe the two technologies from the list provided that you will research in your business systems analysis. II. Business Requirements: In this section, you will determine what the business requirements are to solve the stated problem and establish the criteria that will help form your technology recommendations. You will also articulate why the business owner should undertake the project of integrating new technology. A. Explain the objectives of undertaking this project to integrate new technology. In others words, what should the project accomplish? B. Provide a project description that explains the purpose of the project. Be sure to address the following: i. What does your business need to do to satisfy the objectives? ii. Why is it important for your business owner to consider implementing new technology? C. State the key technological requirements that will be required of any new technology in order to effectively solve your business’s problem. In other words, what specifically does the technology need to be capable of doing? (These are the technology requirements in the decision matrix.) III. Competitors and Technology: In this section, you will describe two competing companies that operate in the same industry as your business. You will also explain how a company uses the two technologies that you are investigating to determine if the technology may be appropriate for your business to use. Remember that a list of competing companies was provided to you in the final project case scenario. A. Technology One: Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology. Briefly describe what that company does and how it uses this technology to support its business in general. Include specific examples. B. Technology Two: Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology source..
IT 210 Final Project Case Scenario Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Name Professor Full Name Due Date Abstract The paper centers on how a brick-and-mortar business specializing in designer clothing, shoes, and bags can expand its market reach. After highlighting the main problems experienced by the business, the paper outlines the major problems, business objectives, and possible technological solutions. The main competitors have leveraged technology use to increase the market reach and scale their businesses. Therefore, the business will utilize similar approaches to ensure that it enhances its online presence and adopts an e-commerce approach. The primary technologies selected are cloud computing, business analytics, and business intelligence. All these aspects are important in ensuring that the business expands its customer base through online reach. Adopting the proposed technologies will enhance order processing, shipping, and shopping experience performance. All these aspects will ensure that the firm continues to grow and expands its global market reach. It will also ensure that workers can collaborate remotely and have a comprehensive system to facilitate communication and decision-making. Keywords: Cloud Computing, business analytics, brick-and-mortar, shipping, communication, shopping. IT 210 Final Project Case Scenario Introduction The project centers on a brick-and-mortar business dealing with designer clothes, shoes, and handbags. From the case study provided, we will highlight the challenges faced and what technologies can be used to address these challenges. Problem Statement: As noted, the business specializes in selling designer clothes, shoes, and handbags. There is a lack of online presence when compared to its competitors in the same niche. The lack of online presence makes reaching customers effectively and efficiently difficult. In this, integrating technologies to enhance business operations is crucial. This will also be vital in the expansion of the business. Two Technologies: Based on the highlighted challenges, we will utilize two main technologies to address them. * Cloud Computing: This is an important technology that can assist in scaling the business’ online presence. It will help in data storage, processing, and remote access to the platform. In this regard, the company will have flexibility and scalability. * Business analytics and business intelligence is the second technology that can help the business to address the challenges. The solution includes data analytics and techniques, vital components that can assist in making informed decisions. It will also offer insights into the operations of the business. Business Requirements Objectives There are numerous objectives of the business to address the challenges highlighted, which include: * Creating an e-commerce platform to expand its customer base online. * Utilize the technologies proposed to improve shipping and inventory management. * Offer online shopping experience to clients, as well as the ability to track order status. * Enhance the ability to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders. * Create effective communication systems for customers and stakeholders. * It is also crucial to have a framework for reporting and analyzing business data, guaranteeing data-based decision-making. * Harmonize the physical shopping experience with the e-commerce platform for optimal customer convenience. Project Description The project's main objective is to implement the proposed technologies to attain the goals above. Notably, it is essential for the business to expand its online presence and make the shopping experience seamless. This will be important to avoid losing clients to competitors. Technology Requirements As noted, the business needs technologies to optimize its online presence. The technology requirements include supporting e-commerce, shopping cart functionality, and secure payment processing. Another important feature is ensuring customers can track order status and guarantee smooth shipping. Inventory management, restocking alerts, data analytics, and the inclusion of communication systems are also crucial. Competitors and Technology Cloud Computing When you look at the competitors, you can see that they have effectively utilized the proposed technologies to reach more clients and expand their business. Zappos uses cloud computing to host an e-commerce website, enhancing customers' shopping experience. Also, the storage of customer information and seamless handling of orders is enhanced using cloud computing (Yu et al., 2021). Zappos has managed to use cloud analytics to personalize customer experiences. Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Solutions Nordstrom Rack, a major competitor, has utilized business analytics and business intelligence solutions to improve performance. The technology is effective in analyzing customer behaviors and tracking inventory information. It also assists in gaining insight into customer preferences and aligning the inventory as needed (Yu et al., 2021). This helps in decision-making about pricing, restocking, and marketing. Technology Benefit The business can greatly expand its market reach, make better decisions, and improve customer experience through these technologies. Using cloud computing, business analytics, and business intelligence solutions will assist in understanding and managing clients’ preferences, which informs on the best products to stock. The technologies will reduce inventory costs and guarantee optimal profits for the business. Technology Solutions Cloud Computing Cloud computing meets several technology requirements, vital in attaining the objectives. It helps in e-commerce hosting, enabling customers to shop online. Another benefit is streamlining inventory restocking and shipping processes. It will also enhance order tracking and online payment processing (Yu et al., 2021). Another important compon...
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