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Organizational change mode (Essay Sample)

Research the following topics related to change within organizations. Identify at least two change models that could be used to effect change in a healthcare organization that address: Facilitating change; Barriers to change; and Resistance to change. Compare the two models you identified: Briefly outline the similarities and differences. Synthesize a new change model using the best components from the two models you identified. By Wednesday, write a 300- to 400-word response (no more than one to two pages) in which you present your new organizational change model and post your position here. This is a discussion board. You can take your time on this since you are working on the other one . Recommended videos to help with the discussion. Same book on chapter 8 source..
Organizational Change Model Name Course Instructor Date Organizational Change Model             Lewin’s change management model and Kotter’s eight-step change model are two effective change models that can be utilized to facilitate change within the health organization and address any barriers and resistance to change. Lewin’s change model has three stages, including unfreeze, change, and freeze. In the unfreeze stage, the organization makes the necessary preparations, such as raising awareness about why change is required. In the change stage, the desired change is implemented, while in the refreeze stage, the organization reinforces the change and integrates it into the culture of the organization (Saleem et al., 2019). Lewin’s change model considers resistance as the main barrier to change, and it suggests involving all the stakeholders in implementing the change by providing them with all the relevant information about the change and continuously communicating the progress or any changes. Kotter’s model for change, emphasizes the importance of building awareness and a sense of urgency, forming a leadership team and developing a vision and plan for change. In healthcare organizations, this could involve involving all stakeholders, such as healthcare administrators and providers, to drive the change effort (Harrison et al., 2021). Kotter also highlights communication, planning and unclear vision as barriers to change implementation. Effective leadership can address these barriers by involving employees and stakeholders in the change process providing them with information and resources. On similarities, both Lewin’s model and Kotter’s eight-step model underscore the significance of ensuring all the stakeholders are aware of the proposed change and that throughout the implementation, clear and concise communication should be utilized. Also, in both models, resistance is an issue that may hinder change. This resistance to change can be addressed by employing appropriate leadership skills characterized by effective communication. On differences, Lewin’s model is a three-step model, while Kotter’s model follows eight sequential steps. The other difference is that Kotter’s model focuses much on aspects of leadership in bringing about the desired change, while Lewin’s model underscores the chan...
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