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Simulation of code of ethics in organizations (Essay Sample)

Different People in DIFFerent organizations face different stereotypical behavior from time to time. Many organizations and firms have their codes of conduct which are implemented and looked into and the organizations are strictly bound to follow them yet there are always chances of variations among the people which can ultimately become a source of discrimination. These discriminations are mostly faced by minorities that are mainly working in different regions of the world. The essay depicts a scenario where a graduate went for the JOB interview and the discrimination he faced. source..
Student name: Student ID: Title of the paper: Course title: Submission date: Course instructor: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc129867155 \h 2Age discrimination PAGEREF _Toc129867156 \h 3Discrimination on the basis of disability PAGEREF _Toc129867157 \h 4Sexual discrimination PAGEREF _Toc129867158 \h 5Religious discrimination PAGEREF _Toc129867159 \h 6Discrimination on the basis of clothing PAGEREF _Toc129867160 \h 7Scenario PAGEREF _Toc129867161 \h 8Code of ethics to be followed in an Organization or Firm PAGEREF _Toc129867162 \h 10Moral values PAGEREF _Toc129867163 \h 11Integrity PAGEREF _Toc129867164 \h 11Professional competence PAGEREF _Toc129867165 \h 12Confidentiality PAGEREF _Toc129867166 \h 12Professional behavior PAGEREF _Toc129867167 \h 13References PAGEREF _Toc129867168 \h 14 Simulation of code of ethics in organizations Introduction Different organizations face different type of stereotypical behavior from time to time. The tendency of such behaviors may vary depending upon the level of harmony among the employees. Many organizations and firms have their codes of conduct which are implemented and looked into and the organizations are strictly bound to follow them yet there are always chances of variations among the people which can ultimately become a source of discrimination. These discriminations are mostly faced by minorities that are mainly working in different regions of the world (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.). By discrimination we mean the treatment of a person that is particularly different from others by creating worse differences or scenarios for them by pointing out their race, ethnicity, color, age or religion etc. There are many types of discrimination and discriminative behavior among employees and a few of them are listed below. Age discrimination This is regarded as a term ageism which is particularly a discrimination type against the individuals on the basis of their age. This is basically a pattern on sexism and is a term that describes the discrimination against seniors. This term includes treating of the employees less favorably based on his or their age. However, there is an act known as Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) which forbids discrimination of age particularly against the people who are 40 years or older. Age discrimination may involve hearing of the comments related to age or insults. This may also include the tendencies of being left out or overlooked for the challenging type of work or getting turned down for a promotion because of age factor (What is age discrimination in the workplace, 2022). Figure 1: Age Discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of disability When a person is physically disabled, he may be overlooked for various opportunities that the people think that he will not be able to continue the work and he is treated less favorably than the other persons who don’t have any sort of disability in the similar circumstances. This is mainly imposed by making jokes and mimicking or ridiculing him about the disability at the workplace in order to victimize the person. Figure 2: Discrimination on the basis of disability. Sexual discrimination Sexual discrimination is described as a term known as sexism and which is a sign that this is a discrimination based on sex or gender. It is a discrimination that can affect anyone but it primarily and mainly affects girls and women. This is particularly due to the mindset of the people that they think that one sex or gender is superior to another. Sex discrimination occurs when any person is treated in a less favorable manner or is not provided with the same opportunities as another person of different sex and it is mainly because of their gender. It also occurs when a policy is certainly applied to everyone but for another person having another sex the policy is not considered to be reasonable. Sexual harassment comes in the form of sexual discrimination and the women mainly fall victim to such type of harassment. Sexual conducts that are mainly defined in terms of sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for any kind of sexual favors particularly from women or some sort of unwanted conduct particularly of any sexual nature (FM Magazine, n.d.). Gender discrimination also involves misgendering or mispronouncing that involves using the wrong identity of gender in order to address someone. Figure 3: Sexual harassment at the workplace mainly faced by women. Religious discrimination Religious discrimination involves treating of the person or different group of persons in a different manner because of the certain beliefs about the religion. This Involves treating of different individuals in a different manner because of their religions or beliefs as well as practices. It also includes treating individuals in a different manner because of the lack of religious practices or beliefs. This can be perfectly explained by an example of a person entering into a restaurant as a Muslim as they only eat halal (Investopedia, 2018). Figure 4: religious discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of clothing People working in any French organizations particularly women tend to face discrimination on their clothing as they do not promote the wearing of hijab and it becomes difficult for the women to continue their job. It becomes difficult for them to even breathe in such organization in a free manner. Clothing discrimination can also be described as a manner that when one follow this according to their religious traditions regarding their clothing then other people of different religions working in a same firm may them of their choices that they are even bound to follow their dress code regarding to their religion and they cannot roam freely in the clothing of their own choice (France discriminated against hijab-wearing vocational trainee -U.N. document, 2022). Figure 5: Discrimination on the basis of clothing choices. Scenario Such type of stereotypical behaviors exists among the mindset of different peoples around the world and many organizations as well as the firms though having codes of conduct happen to face such incidents from time to time. One of such incidents is described here which happened with me when I went for a part time job interview. I went to an organization as it used to provide better career opportunities. I thought that it will look onto me and consider me for my grades rather this was not the case there. When I entered the office I informed the secretary of my arrival and her first look made me feel suspicious. Yet she asked me to have a seat and went to the office of her boss. She then asked me to wait for a few minutes then the boss will call. After half an hour the boss called me inside. I went their being dressed up in my religious attire. I felt a little confused while entering yet I was confident that my good grades will compel the officer to hire me for this post. When I entered the office, the boss asked me to have a seat. I sat on the chair and got ready for my interview. I had prepared well and according to my relevant subjects. The first question that the boss asked me was about my name and then he started ridiculing me as fast as he could. He made assumptions regarding my dressing and addressed me in a way of mocking my dressing sense. He asked not even a single question relevant to my studies or job position rather he was found more interested in my dressing sense. He also said that if I am granted this post then they will have no collaborations in the future as the people only look and care for the appearances and everyone likes to have men at the office that wear three-piece dresses on daily basis. HE also said that grades usually matter only till university but when you are applying for the job or doing any job in the office then you cannot wear religious clothing everywhere as you have to cope and follow the world blindly. He clearly spitted the fact on my face that he can not give me this job just because of my clothing and he didn’t even bother to have a look on my grades and degree even for once. He clearly asked me to leave the office and also provided me the tip that I should not go for any other job interview in such dress as I will be deprived of every opportunity that comes in my way just only because of my dressing. I came out of the office with a broken heart and had a look at the secretory where she was telling the other staff about my clothing and all of them were looking and laughing at me. I was left heart wrenched and it became difficult for me to breath over there. I left the building at a fast pace and wished to never come here again where people are judged on the basis of their dressing sense and not the basis of their qualifications or achievements. This incidence literally kept me thinking for more than a week and I felt extremely sorry for such intelligent yet submissive boss who had no sense of acknowledging the real talent. I didn’t apply to any organization or firm for a longer period of time as my perspective regarding the talent consideration was thrashed heavily. We never know what impact our words can create on the minds of other people as our words have the ability to make or break a person and if we are a little kind and gentle towards the humans around us then our as well as other people lives become easier. The minimum of the thing that we can do is that if we cannot help anyone in difficult circumstances then at least we can be a little empathetic towards them ...
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