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Impact of Innovation, Technological, and Environmental Changes on the Hospitality Industry: An In-Depth Focus on Domino’s Pizza (Essay Sample)

Choose a company of your choice and define the Impact of Innovation, Technological, and Environmental Changes on the Hospitality Industry. Describe the use of technology and innovation in improving the company's presence. how has the company actualized technology to aid its growth. your paper should be at least three pages long, double-spaced and include a reference page. there should be a minimum of 2 references. source..
Impact of Innovation, Technological, and Environmental Changes on the Hospitality Industry: An In-Depth Focus on Domino’s Pizza Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Due Date Impact of Innovation, Technological, and Environmental Changes on the Hospitality Industry: An In-Depth Focus on Domino’s Pizza The hospitality industry benefits from advancements in technology and the impacts of these advancements on innovation and creativity. Different companies seek to reach more people in the hospitality industry by improving physical and information infrastructure. Information Infrastructure necessitates having all details about the industry and how it operates. It entails having different logistics to work in a specific region effectively. Physical infrastructure details critical details such as raw materials and transportation networks. Innovation, technological, and environmental change have made it easier on the physical and information infrastructure, with most hospitality companies bridging the gap that initially limited companies from reaching many people promptly. Technology and innovation have introduced online ordering systems and incorporated delivery systems that make it easier for customers to order and acquire their products. Companies’ capacity to go international depends on the effective understanding of the new market and the availability of information infrastructure, a feat that Domino’s Pizza has utilized effectively. Information infrastructure relies on communication technologies, data storage, and processing (Morris & Oldroyd, 2018). Domino’s Pizza innovated a tracker and builder to help customers keep track of their pizza. The tracker gave customers and the company real-time information on the pizza’s exact location, ensuring that once people ordered their pizza they could keep track of the delivery process (Page, 2023). The innovation improves the hospitality market by giving customers control over their orders and the delivery process. The innovation revolutionized the hospitality industry by outlining an effort to be more accountable and reliable to the customers. The actualization of information infrastructure makes it easy for companies to understand their customer and the market while at the same time helping customers relate with the company. In addition, Domino’s Pizza continues to benefit from its emphasis on data storage and processing. Hospitality companies deal with many customers and have to pay attention to their needs continually. When customers purchase from a certain firm, companies may feel the need to recall their orders. When individuals make orders, they can view details online about their orders. Hence, it is paramount to actualize technology to keep a record of these orders. Companies that deal with pizza deliveries pay attention to regular customers and save their contact details. Therefore, they use this information to market their products or market when they have offers. These companies can also request customers for feedback about their products and services while using this information for a better customer service experience. Domino’s Pizza, for instance, actualizes a loyalty program that helps maintain its clients (Maze, 2020). Companies must find ways to remain in contact with their customers. Conversely, companies in the hospitality industry utilize physical infrastructure to improve the delivery of products and improve their reach. Pizza-Inn is one company which have noticed the need to deliver products to all its customers irrespective of their geographic location. Therefore, the company has understood the need to improve the mode of transport to transport products. Pizza-Inn, for instance, outsources its delivery duties in different regions to the dial-a-delivery company (Business Daily Africa, 2023). People can make their orders online and the company will deliver them to their specific locations. Domino’s Pizza has highly actualized physical infrastructure through its car-top sign. The 3-D sign marks the company’s delivery trucks for easy recognition. Similarly, Domino’s Pizza continues to actualize innovation to offer better services, as outlined through its invention of heatwave hot bags. People order pizza from different locations, and the distance might prove hard to deliver pizza in their ideal status. Therefore, Domino’s Pizza introduced a heat wave bag to keep pizzas oven-hot during their normal deliveries (Sage, 2023). The innovation ensures that people can ord...
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