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Impacts of Coronavirus on Workplace (Essay Sample)

The essay explores the profound impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace dynamics. It highlights how the pandemic triggered significant shifts in work practices, particularly the rapid transition to remote work (Work from Home, WFH) and the rise of virtual teams and leadership. The essay discusses the economic and social-psychological effects, such as increased economic inequality, social distancing, loneliness, stress, and burnout among workers. Additionally, it delves into how moderating factors like race and ethnicity have exacerbated these challenges, particularly for minority groups who faced higher exposure to the virus and less organizational support. The essay concludes by acknowledging the ongoing effects of the pandemic on workplaces and the need for further research to address these issues. source..
Impacts of Coronavirus on Workplace Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Impacts of Coronavirus on Workplace The health crisis of Covid-19 was an exceptional shock that changed the lives and occupations of people across the2 world. Its effects were expected to go past the short term into the medium and long term as well. The severe health impacts of the virus have been accorded by the severe deteriorations in economic activity and disturbances of labor markets. Research even showed that the crisis resulting from the pandemic was significantly more insightful than the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. The grouping of panic of infection, the procedures from public health, and great indecision lead to a sharp reduction in economic growth and interrupted global value chains with a profound and wide spreading surprise to the labor market. The state-imposed measures such as lockdown and the closure of firms across the world showed substantial impacts, with millions of employees across many firms facing a reduction in or the complete loss of their livelihood. Illustrating the impacts of COVID-19 on the workplace, this research focuses on the developing transitions in work practices, economic and social psychological impacts, and lastly the probable moderating factors such as race and ethnicity to create unequal effects. Emergent Changes in Work Practices Although coronavirus shortly overturned usual work practices, it also lead to a stepping up of developments that were previously happening including the transition of work to online or virtual settings. Several changes such as WFH, virtual teams, and simulated governance and supervision have been revealed due to the pandemic. Work from Home (WFH) Based on recent research, about one-half of the firms had above 80% of their staff WFH in the initial phases of the virus (Gartner, 2020), and an assessed potential long-term-long-term rise in distant work after the illness. The demand for millions of workforces to WFH in reaction to the pandemic enhanced the remote work tendencies which were streamlined by the connectivity and communication technologies. However, as many workers were required to work from home, several of them experienced some difficulties as a result of significant issues such as not having spaces in their homes to work. Workers who lived with others also encountered some difficulties than those who spend time alone since they had to navigate other's spaces to find good places to work. Most workers find it hard to uphold restrictions between occupation and non-occupation. The mandatory layoff of employees throughout the coronavirus made the issue more complicated. While WFH sound interesting especially if it propose a safe anchorage, the lack of distant between individuals’ work and family, and the absence of commutes to offer change between the two areas becomes a problem too. Despite the detrimental effects of working from home, other workers such as the gig workers (drivers, delivery people, and shoppers) had more positive impacts. The U.S. reflective on the growth of the gig economy before COVID-19 states that about 20% of the present personnel are freelance workers and the number is expected to increase (Gillespie, 2017). As the rideshare firms shut down due to the initial measure in respond to the pandemic, a consistent boom in numerous provision services controlled by gig employees showed the growing prospects of such occupations. However, the difficulties faced by gig workers are familiar to those working from home since they are comprised of getting and staying organized. Several challenges also included managing the intensified emotions related to such work, reckoning and preserving an identity to avoid any disruption caused by emotions on output upon which their existence rests, dealing with loneliness while looking and preserving practical association that supports their work, and developing some appearance of a longer-term occupation. As with the problems, the best exercise for WFH were also beneficial for what we understand has been supportive for gig employees. Some of these practices include the action to emphasize and motivate their work, actions to create and preserve connections, and clear practices that help them work and offer restrictions between work and home Virtual Teams Based on the research prior the virus, virtual teams are rising significantly during and after the pandemic (Mak & Kozlowski, 2019). The increase in team virtuality due to COVID-19 may influence assisting and prosocial conduct. As physical distancing among co-workers reduces assisting conducts in the workplace, research shows that individuals should be courageous to ask aid from their co-workers since they try to be more eager to assist, and provide appropriate help, especially during a crisis such as COVID-19 (Mak & Kozlowski, 2019). The normal impairments to seeking help focus on the sense that it can be uncomfortable, obstinate, and humiliating. However, the best actions in serving can assist those seeking help to control such psychological obstacles by preserving individual privacy, hence decreasing stigmatization and imparting hope that things will recover once they receive help. As coronavirus increases the growth of virtual teams, many other factors have emerged in research regarding its impact. For instance, the connection of remote work with an international crisis raises concerns about how reactions, such as stress and anxiety can be conversed and controlled in an exceptional background of virtually linked occupation where social and passionate cues are quite restricted. In addition, prior investigations have revealed that teams working online are prone to be more operational at devising than face-to-face teams. Similarly, an investigation focused on personal performance discovered that coworkers who interact remotely seem to lack the inspired assistances that can come from everyday face-to-face communications (Allen et al., 2015). The fast development in simulated teams provides a chance to assess new questions and to improve intercessions to help expand cooperation in simulated settings. With such recreation, close consideration should be considered to multidimensional means in which virtuality differs among remote work setting. Virtual Leadership and Supervision The responsibility of a leader to decide on an organizational outcome that reveals a wide-ranging effect on workers everywhere is particularly clear in the ordeal of a calamity and indeed significant in essential means. With the coronavirus disaster demanding millions of workers through varying ranked points to WFM, it is important to point out that management can also work from a distance. Based on the research, operational virtual management is seen as a lifebuoy for stressed businesses (Antonakis et al., 2016). To address the lack of face-to-face communication simulated leaders had to rise the commitment time. Regular communication and developed channels to support team communication was considered major strategy. Leaders were tasked with several other responsibilities such as spending time developing relationships within the team to build trust. Economic and Social-Psychological Impacts Compared to the instant influences of coronavirus on several workplace exercises and engagements, research shows several other diverse ranges of impacts caused by the pandemic for people such as loss of jobs and to those who remained employed during the pandemic. Economic Inequality As a wider cost connected to the virus, several specialists presume that disproportion will rise in the wake of Coronavirus concerning the current surprises such as that of the 2008 financial crisis. This inequality is identified from previous shocks to offer different resources and prospects for people to gain occupation and advancements while infuriating disparities in pay and benefits. Provided the prior research revealing that organizational and communal disparities provided among them, there are several motives to be worried that advance in inequality after the virus will lead to a descending spiral of undesirable tendencies in the work setting in a reduced work significance, and enlarged fatigue, deviant conducts, absenteeism, turnover, and bullying. Research shows that job uncertainties post-COVID-19 motivated more daring and presentisms among low-paid employees that will however rise public health threats for more spread of the virus (Bapuji et al., 2020). With such review, greater organizational funds to reduce disparity should check the undesirable escalation that is then expected to develop. Social Distancing and Loneliness The lack of social connection for employees who lost their jobs and staffs who need to WFH might be a less clear influence of coronavirus, however, investigation shows that good social interaction such as familiar chats among colleagues is important for mental and physical health. In this case, both the requirements for WFH and the practices to intensify places of work in provision of physical isolation are possible to have adversative impacts that comprised at least some point of detriment to people's psychological and physical well-being. More dangerous compared to the decline of social connection, loneliness is a psychological agonizing emotion initiated by an individual's biased emotional state that their close and social requirements are not sufficiently achieved (Murthy, 2017). Workplaces loneliness is a strong negative relationship with workers' affiliative conduct, affective commitment, and performance. While simulated communications lack productivity as identified before, a more undesirable threat of communications going virtual are confusions in lack of non-verbal signs. These are expected to even increase workers' interests regarding being interpersonally prohibited, a key cause of loneliness. Stress and Burnout The vagueness...
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