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676 Week 6 Journal (Essay Sample)

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Describe the characteristics of effective women leaders in your organization. Explain how your leadership style compares to the characteristics of effective women leaders in your organization. Describe how you could improve your own leadership effectiveness. source..
Week 6 Journal Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor's Name Due Date Week 6 Journal The role of women in leadership roles is becoming increasingly acknowledged in today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape as critical to organizational success. Two insightful pieces from the Shapiro Library highlight the qualities of female solid pioneers and provide helpful encouragement for those who aspire to be such. Based on these two articles, this paper aims to clarify the traits of successful female leaders within a company, assess how my management style compares to these traits, and look into ways to improve management effectiveness. Characteristics of Effective Women Leaders The articles underscore numerous vital characteristics that distinguish influential women leaders: Firstly, practical women leaders show a high degree of emotional intelligence, allowing them to recognize and empathize with the issues and perspectives of their group participants. They foster a supportive and inclusive painting environment, which enhances morale and productivity. Also, Women leaders excel in constructing cohesive groups through collaboration and communique. They leverage numerous viewpoints and foster an inclusive lifestyle where each voice is valued, mainly for modern solutions and sustained overall performance. Further, in the face of demanding situations and setbacks, influential ladies leaders show resilience and adaptability. They maintain a positive attitude, manage communication well, and support each crew member's sense of self, creating a subculture of tenacity and development. Executive women possess a positive outlook and a strategic mindset. They create compelling ideas for business growth and competitive advantage, foster innovation, and establish high standards. Comparing Leadership Style In my leadership style, I compare myself with the pioneer women. A pair of reasons that make people go through doing their jobs successfully is essential: bonding and the use of active approaches. They strive to create an atmosphere encouraging people to relate and gather around the uneducated, where they feel a sense of respect and belonging. Meeting goals or achievement is another core part of their working routine, based on the team method when group members cooperate and show only their most vital skills. They practice transparency, keep an attentive eye on making diversified decisions, and ensure team effort. These capabilities allow leaders to be adaptable to different situations and think properly. For them, flexibility and support are the be-all and end-all of any successful endeavor, which ultimately translates into team members' confidence and enthusiasm. They demonstrate the ability to endure and persist, choose to do the same thing, and realize the same goals. It is how a prime culture is fostered among the team as a core value to inspire and drive everyone here. The leadership model it uses has the touch of the following: caring, working together, change, and flexibility. Improving Leadership Effectiveness I plan to explore career development opportunities to improve strategic planning and innovation skill...
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