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LDST 440 - WK 2 Basic Human Resource Strategies (Exhibit 7.1) (Essay Sample)

Respond to the following: From Exhibit 7.1 on page 138 of your textbook, there are several human resource principles and specific practices mentioned as basic human resource strategies practiced by organizations that "get it right." From our readings over the past two weeks, including a Biblical perspective, compose an initial post explaining how you as a leader would embrace one of those principles and elaborate on the corresponding specific practices in your organization. The organization can be real or fictitious. Your initial post should be 250-300 words using APA format. Writing should be supported with Biblical integration and perspective as well as with course text, as stated in the Discussion Grading Rubric. The posts should be appropriately formatted and have proper grammar. Remember to include a citation of your textbook in your post and a minimum of two US academic peer-reviewed scholarly articles. You want to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and can appropriately apply the materials from Week 2. source..
LDST 440 - Wk 2 Basic Human Resource Strategies Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name/Title Instructor’s Name Date LDST 440 - Wk 2 Basic Human Resource Strategies Employee retention is an essential human resource strategy that promotes effective operations in any organization. Indeed, human values and needs are a centerpiece of progressive working. Most workplaces attain human satisfaction through employee engagement that provides a meaningful and satisfying conditions profoundly benefiting individuals and organizations. The biblical motivational gifts develop a potential base for a person-job fit approach that enhances employee engagement and retention (Winston, 2018). As a leader of Transparent Hands Foundation, I am aware of the need to keep my employees. Being a busy organization, we aim to gain a competitive advantage by maintaining highly skilled and motivated workers. To achieve this, the organization has embarked on offering maximum benefits including better pays and flexible working hours. The management will use twenty percent of its turnover rates to cover for employees' basic salaries and additional monetary rewards. Moreover, the company will provide job security to combat severe economic pressures. By reducing layoff rates, employees will possess maximum protection and effectively promote organizational goals. Additionally, internal promotions and sharing wealth are cornerstone measures that leads to employee attraction and motivation. Promoting people from within is a potential performance incentive that encourages the management to highly invest in human resource as a way of upgrading skills. Also, it avoids erroneous and vague performance by newcomers unfamiliar with the company's work procedures (Bolman & Deal, 2017). To provide long-term and skillful employees, the company is set to conduct internal promotions based on one's skills and expertise. Again, proper integration of gain and profit sharing would produce a coherent human resource team that works to improve efficiency (Khalid & Nawab, 2018). Besides, giving is a special gift that align...
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