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Mission Statement to Improve an Organization. (Essay Sample)

he Mission Statement and Financial Resources Subject: Other Sources: - Style: APA 7th edition Description With regard to this specific organization, it almost seems that the name says it all! Yet, the mission statement is still very important. When creating a mission statement, nonprofit organizations must not just consider the current environment, as things will change over time. New demands and/or new programs and services may present themselves, so the mission statement must be broad enough to handle changing conditions. This is more difficult than it seems. The state and federal government will look at the mission statement to determine if it qualifies for tax exemption, as well. Do you have any advice to an organization trying to write a mission statement or to improve its mission statement? What specifically would you like to see for this organization source..
Mission Statement to Improve an Organization. Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Mission Statement to Improve an Organization Every organization requires a clear and detailed mission for better success. The mission of the organization is broad and flexible to incorporate the new advancement of the environment. American Heart Organization is one organization that has its mission and dedication that it is supposed to undertake. Therefore, the essay will broadly discuss the mission that will improve the nonprofit organization. Advices to improve the nonprofit mission of the organization. It is advisable for an American heart organization to consider the following aspects while creating an effective mission statement. Like creating expectations to the people, it should be realistic and adaptable to improving the new environment. Its great mission is to improve human healthcare and develop its mission to make it equitable to each person to get quality health care without excluding any person. Thus, the organization should make the mission compatible with the situations that may appear, such as financial problems. Similarly, to the mission, the organization should have a flexible platform of acquiring the funds and budgeting it carefully while checking the wave of change of environment either financially or economically. Furthermore, creating more effort to prevent CVD premature death and save more lives can be handled by prioritizing the prosperity expansion. It would be a pleasure to see the American heart organization prospering to higher levels and having strategies to reduce risk factors. The fundraising strategies would be an excellent recommendation to improve their financial position to support many people suffering from cardiovascular health problems. Therefore, the data should be analyzed to obtain the frequency of the mortality rate and what to be done to better measure the health population ...
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