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Performance Management & Appraisals (Essay Sample)

This is a case study analysis of that aims to discuss the the performance of employees within an organization plays a significant role in the facet of development. The case study is that of Hannover hotel where its employees were scrutinized gauging their abilities to align their goals and objectives as well as missions with the available resources to move the organization to a whole new level. source..
Performance Management and Appraisals Name Institution Course Introduction Having a position at the Hanover Hotel front desk means that one will be doing the oldest tasks available. The position of a front desk agent in any hotel entails a number of responsibilities. First, the agent has to ensure that incoming guests are registered and assigned their proper rooms. On the other hand, those exiting the hotel will also be exited in a smooth transition handing over the room back to the hotel. The front guest agent also has to ensure that they maintain a proper communication with the staff about the conditions of the room. Apart from that, payments also have to be handled effectively and this can only be doing by that who assigns incoming guests rooms. Therefore, in performing an analysis for the Hanover front desk agent job, one has to be able to know all the responsibilities that the agent will do. Being aware of the requirements at hand, the agent will therefore be able to fulfill their performance management obligation (Selden, 2011). A clear performance analysis will ensure that the set of activities set out to be performed by the front desk agent meet the goals set out by Hanover Hotel. Once the Hanover front desk agent is knowledgeable about the responsibilities that he or she is meant to perform, a performance appraisal should then be done. Performance appraisal refers to the process in which an employee is vetted with regards to performing his duties. Thereafter, once the evaluation process has been done, the human resource of Hanover Hotel can thereafter perform a performance management process. The performance management process involves measuring, managing and later developing the performance of a particular employee in an organization. In this case, the front desk agent of Hanover hotel will be managed after the appraisal has been done. Performance appraisal and management help greatly in the job analysis process for a number of reasons. The job management process of the Hanover front desk agent will ensure that the most important duties are that are to be done by the agent are known and given priority in the evaluation process. Once the importance of each duty has been identified in their hierarchy, a system can later be created to measure these performances as performed accurately, effectively and without bias. This is because each activity will have a score sheet to meet Methods With these evaluation processes in order, the Hanover Hotel should be able to come up with various methods to measure the performance of the front desk employee. Collecting employee data can help Hanover Hotel measure the performance of the employee. The immediate data to be used includes the graphic rating scales. These scales contain numbers ranging from 0-5 or 0-10 that will be used to rate how good an employee performs in certain areas. The 0 mark usually symbolizes poor performance whole the 5 or 10 mark symbolizes superb performance. In the case of Hanover Hotel’s front desk agent position, such a scale can be used to measure the behavior of the agent to the guests and how the services to the customers were offered. Also, a 360 degree feedback will be helpful in measuring the performance of an employee (The Hartford, 2020). A proper system like that of the Hanover Hotel should take into account the various feedbacks, assessments and opinions of the agent gathered over time. This information can be extracted from their co-workers, supervisors and other members of the Hotel. Finally management by objectives (MBO) is a critical way to measure performance. Managers can take a look at the objectives that have been fulfilled by an employee and rate his performance based on them. As much as performance ratings are important for Hanover hotel in establishing performance management and appraisal techniques, the ratings given should be free of bias. Bias occurs when those involved in giving the performance ratings have an already constructed viewpoint of the employee. This can be with regards to the activities that he or she may have done in the past that led the one rating have a concluded opinion. In order to get rid of the bias, the Hanover Hotel will need to use objective ratings as opposed to subjective ratings. Objective ratings bring about more specific detail of the employee in question as compared to subjective ratings. For example, an objective rating of the front desk agent would be ‘always punctual for his shift’ as compared to the subjective rating of ‘available’. Another way to avoid bias is not relying on memory knowledge of past experiences to form opinions. As much as many view memory as a bank full of past events, various researches have shown that memory is never always accurate. It will be better to ensure that performance reviews are performed all through the year and thereafter they can be examined to establish a trend that will not be biased. Finally just as 360 degree feedbacks are effective in measuring an employee’s performance, a 360 degree feedback system can be very effective in giving performance ratings that are not biased (Mayhew, 2019). This is actually the best approach for Hannover Hotel as front desk agents interact with a lot of individuals over a period of time and therefore 360 degree feedback together with the rest of the methods will work best for them. A waitress is a job title in a hotel setting that needs a lot of involvement and therefore proper management and appraisal is needed. To perform a performance appraisal on an employee for the position of a waitress, the candidate should first know her responsibilities. The hotel should them make it clear to them what is required of them. Finally, the objective and performance standards will be reviewed to ensure that they are clear. Finally once the waitress has begun her duties, performance management will be performed to ensure that they are managing their responsibilities effectively. Implementation In every company, there are usually top performers as well as low performers. Top performers are usually identified by the objectives they fulfill in the company. In Hanover Hotel, top performers are definitely those that fulfill their role effectively. Their effectiveness can be recognized by the recommendations they receive from their supervisors as well as those that have been offered the service. Also, other employees can also recognize an employee as a top individual based on how they perform their duties (Burke...
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