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Personal Values and Ethical Choices by Stephen Konrad (Essay Sample)

Personal Values and Ethical Choices by Stephen Konrad The scenario in the video involves a case example of ethical dilemmas at the workplace, demonstrating skilfully how personal values can affect choices on ethical behavior. Andrew, an employee, notes that the organization’s Executive Director, Cameron, has been misappropriating the company’s funds through ‘extravagant” activities. He discusses his findings with other employees, who appear aloof to the problem and think that the director's extravagant spending can be justified by the number of new donors acquired source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Case: 7 Personal Values and Ethical Choices by Stephen Konrad The scenario in the video involves a case example of ethical dilemmas at the workplace, demonstrating skilfully how personal values can affect choices on ethical behavior. Andrew, an employee, notes that the organization’s Executive Director, Cameron, has been misappropriating the company’s funds through ‘extravagant” activities. He discusses his findings with other employees, who appear aloof to the problem (Konrad, 2:39-2:45), and think that the director's extravagant spending can be justified by the number of new donors acquired (1:08-6:04). Ethical dilemmas present 'gray areas, implying that the difference between right/ethical and wrong/non-ethical choices in a given situation may not be so obvious. Andrew made the right decision to share his findings from the expense reports. However, he should have spoken only to the appropriate channel instead of discussing the issue with Nathan. Nathan did the right thing by referring Andrew to a more appropriate channel instead of encouraging him to remain silent on the issue. However, Nathan's aloof and dismissive behavior on the issue is disreputable. Diane’s suggestion to discuss Andrew’s concern with Cameron shows an element of transparency and accountability on her part. On the other hand, she should actively get involved in the company’s process of allocating funds, for instance, by conducting due diligence on expenses okayed by the co...
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