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Social Media Policy (Essay Sample)

Write a 3-page executive summary about best practices, risks, and other considerations to take into account when creating a social media policy for a small trucking company. You will highlight three main bullet points at the end of the summary that you would use to discuss the social media policy issues with stakeholders. Changes in technology and society will always impact the work of the HRM professional. In this assessment, and with the issues in your future career, you will need to collect the relevant historical background, legal compliance issues, ethical considerations, and organizational information to be ready to facilitate conversations between stakeholders around policy decisions. The pendulum may swing back and forth throughout your career, but with a sound background researching issues and clarifying the decision points, you will be prepared to lead change. Introduction Scenario The HR division of your organization, a small private trucking company, has tasked you to lead a discussion about the key considerations when developing a social media policy for the company. You are to provide direction as to key considerations of legal compliance, ethics, and the relationship to the organizational mission. Ultimately, the internal committee of stakeholders to who you are presenting will create the social media policy and you need to lead them through the decisions that they should make in that process. Your Challenge You are an HRM leader for a small private trucking company and you have been asked to lead a discussion to develop the social media policy for the company. You will present your information and discussion points in the form of an executive summary including the issues that the internal committee should discuss and take into consideration when developing the policy. Instructions 1. Review the Sample Social Media Policy [PDF]. 2. Write a 3-page executive summary that includes the following: Describe best practices for creating a social media policy for an organization. eo What should be included in the policy? ° Are we allowed to control comments about our company? Identify the legal and ethical risks of social media policies. e What mistakes should be avoided? Evaluate the risks for private and governmental organizations of actions that may or may not be defined as "protected concerted activity." e Are there protected activities that may be seen as a “protected concerted activity?” ° Does a First Amendment right to free speech apply? 3. At the end of the summary, reiterate and list three brief bullet points of your most important recommendations for the development of the social media policy. Bullet points should be no longer than a simple sentence. source..
Social Media Policy Name Institutional Affiliations Course Number Course Instructor Date Discussion: Social Media Policy Introduction Social media policies are important to an organization's rules and regulations, especially in regulating employee conduct. Broadly, they can help protect the organization from confidentiality and legal issues. As the human resource manager for Movers Trucking Company, I have been tasked with leading a discussion on developing a social media policy for our organization. Consequently, this executive summary intends to provide an overview of the best practices for creating a social media policy, address both ethical and legal issues associated with social media policies, and evaluate the risks for private and governmental organizations of "protected concerted activities." Best Practices for Creating a Social Media Policy Clear Guidelines Most importantly, the social media policy should incorporate a clearly stated outline of the expectations and guidelines for employees' use of social media for personal and professional purposes. This section must outline the caveats on the risks of posting information online and the possible repercussions of the same. Such guidelines are important because the organization could be impacted by an employee's use of social media hence the need for them to be wary of professionalism when using social media at all times, even during off-work hours. Acceptable Use Equally important is the need to define in the policy what is acceptable use of social media by the employees. This involves defining whether or not using social media during work hours is acceptable. If so, outline whether personal use is permitted and at what time and conditions. While doing so, it is imperative to balance enhancing the responsible use of social media and upholding the employees' privacy (Pillow et al., 2014). Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Guidelines The company’s confidential information stands at risk of exposure to irresponsible social media use by employees (Pillow et al., 2014). As a result, the policy document must provide directives against disclosing confidential company information and intellectual property on social media. This goal can be achieved by educating employees on the types of information that qualify the state of confidentiality. Additionally, the policy should emphasize the significance of protecting the company's sensitive information and the potential legal consequences that may ensue upon unauthorized disclosure of such information. Respect for Others Ethical use of social media encompasses minding about other users too. The policy should, therefore, address the appropriate behavior and respect for other employees, clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders on social media platforms. Despite its benefits, it has been shown that social media can also be used as a tool for discrimination (Oksa et al., 2022). Therefore, the policy must provide a framework to encourage employees to be respectful and refrain from using a tone or language that may be considered discriminatory, harassing, or offensive to other users. Controlling Comments about the Company The very reason for creating a social media policy is to control employees' usage of social media. While it may be considered reasonable to control the comments made on the official social media account of the company, it may be quite difficult to control the comments made by employees on their personal accounts (Weingartner & Hunter, 2019). Additionally, exerting stringent control means infringing on the employees' rights to express themselves. The best possible solution is balancing the need to protect the company's image and sensitive information and upholding the employees' rights to expression. This is achievable by incorporating employees in the policy formulation through education on the potential impacts of their social media activities on the company (Oksa et al., 2022). They can also be encouraged to adopt responsible online behavior contrary to exercising stringent control measures on them. The Legal and Ethical Risks of Social Media Policy Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Labor laws protect employees against discrimination, workplace harassment, and retaliation. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission protects employees against discrimination, including their rights to free speech and expression (EEOC, 2021). Therefore, the social media policy should not infringe on employees' rights to engage in protected activities like collective actions or discussing workplace conditions. Also, the policy must consider prohibiting discriminating and retaliating against employees based on their social media activities to avoid violating labor laws. Employee Privacy Privacy is an important ethical issue with regard to social media regulation (Weingartner & Hunter, 2019). Therefore, the social media policy should be designed carefully to avoid infringing on employees’ privacy rights and comply with relevant laws. Consequently, the policy should communicate the special circumstances that may warrant the company to monitor employees’ social media activities. Also, the policy should avoid communications on invasive monitoring practices on employees’ social media activities. Compliance with the First Amendment Technically, the first amendment laws protect people’s rights to free speech and expression from government limitation/infringement. Therefore, it does not protect against limitations from private employers. However, it provides the foundational premises for other state laws and regulations regarding employees’ rights to free speech (Shinar, 2013). Therefore, the policy must reflect the connection between the regulated aspects of employees' social media activities and relevant state and first amendment laws. Protected Concerted Activities and Risks According to the National Labor Relations Act, employees acting solely or in a group may address work-related issues, including issues like wages, working conditions, demanding...
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