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Communications & Media
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Communication (Essay Sample)


COM 102 is a UCORE class, meaning it fulfills the communication requirement of all WSU undergraduate students. The UCORE remit has a feature that allows students to re-visit an assignment. This means taking the feedback from the instructor, reflecting on one’s performance, doing a thoughtful self-assessment, and coming back and reworking the assignment. This gives students a great chance to fix problems, and also to take their work to a new and higher level of achievement


Darrel Watlington
Instructor’s name
Course information
I placed the in-text citations inappropriately. I placed in-text citation at the end of each paragraph including the statements that discussed about my personal views about the course. This made my audience more confused as it was not easy to determine whether the statement were from my personal view or from the authors cited. For example I discussed about my personal development of passion about the course that was influenced by my family members and credit this information to the work of the other authors of the year 2006. My personal view will be left not cited and the tone will be the first person. This will inform the audience the statements that are accredited to my view and those for scholars.
I did not provide concrete evidence to support my claims. For example I spoke about the large number of students who have been pursuing accounting for the last 2 decades without giving trends in the change or some bit of statistical trend. This leaves the audience in suspense as they will not understand how people have developed passion on business courses that can be determined by observing university enrolment trend for the courses. Therefore without concrete evidence my audience was unable to process how strong my claims were. Providing evidence makes my claims strong and valid. This will enable the audience to understand the trend on the business related courses importance.
I also placed my claims in generalized manner. I lacked specificity. The audience is left hangi...
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