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Journalism and Mass Communication (Essay Sample)

In a fully developed essay, please answer the questions below. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Please take some time to edit your work for punctuation, usage, and clarity prior to submission. Questions for Analysis: 1) What is Pablo Boczkowski saying about the influences of fake news on our current informational climate? What are the three effects that he sees as most damaging to our society, and is he optimistic or pessimistic about the near future of journalism? 2) What do you feel are the consequences of fake news on American society? How have digital communication tools contributed to this problem? source..
Journalism and Mass Communication Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Journalism and Mass Communication Introduction Journalism has been used over the years as a source of information to people. It is a field that deals with the production and distribution of news on what is happening in the society according to evidences. Many platforms are used for journalism today such as social media platforms and citizen journalism. These various platforms have been beneficial in terms of providing news to people (Allgaier et al., 2013). However, it has also contributed to the spread of fake news. Fake news has affected the current informational climate and the society as a whole. Various communication people note that fake news have negatively affected how information is produced and distributed. Communication professors such as Pablo Boczkowski have presented different views on how fake news have an influence on the current informational climate. This paper will analyze Pablo Boczkowski’s views about the impact of fake news to the society. It will further address the three effects that Boczkowski sees as the most damaging in the society. Also, the paper will explain the consequences of fake news on American society, and how the digital communication platforms have attributed to this challenge. Pablo Boczkowski’s view on Fake News on our Current Informational Climate Pablo Boczkowski notes that fake news have existed since the truthful ones began. This means that fake news is not something that started recently. However, the contemporary times have different ways how they spread the fake news. Boczkowski states that the use of social media platforms today have contributed to the spread of fake news. For instance, Facebook is used by over 1 billion users every day and it enables people to establish different content which also supports fake news (Geeng, Yee & Roesner, 2020). Boczkowski further notes that fake news have led to oppressive governments because most post elections reports have been miscommunicating information to people. Further, Pablo Boczkowski explains some three effects that destroys the society the most. These three effects are decreases perception for people to detect biasness in the media environment that the editorial selection depend on, there is conflicting reactions toward information that the obstacles of evaluation to having a collaboration is lower than in the past, and there is a problem in the cultural management of knowledge which affects journalism and other fields such as education, and medicine (Boczkowski, 2016). Despite the effects of fake news, Pablo Boczkowski is optimistic about the future noting that it is possible to create algorithms that can detect false information and impose strict policies. Consequences of Fake News on American Society I feel the consequences of fake news on American society is that it can lead to confusion and misunderstanding of critical matter...
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