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Communications & Media
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Organizational communication is simply the way information is sent and also received among the interrelated persons who are within a particular environment or are within a setting in order to achieve an individual or a common goal or goals (Eisenberg, 1984). The organizational communication is highly contextual and has got some element of culture in it. The cultural element is due to the regulations of the organization or the beliefs that the organization operates on. The information that is passed within the organization is either done by word of mouth, a written letter and also a mediated channel. The modes of communication that may be used include formal communication, informal communication, downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, oral or verbal communication and the written communication. All this are in cooperated within the organizational communication. Organizational communication is how the organization is constituted, its culture, values and the goals of the organization and its members (Dewatripont & Tirole, 2005). source..
Organizational Communication Name: Course: Professor: Institution: Date: Introduction Organizational communication is simply the way information is sent and also received among the interrelated persons who are within a particular environment or are within a setting in order to achieve an individual or a common goal or goals (Eisenberg, 1984). The organizational communication is highly contextual and has got some element of culture in it. The cultural element is due to the regulations of the organization or the beliefs that the organization operates on. The information that is passed within the organization is either done by word of mouth, a written letter and also a mediated channel. The modes of communication that may be used include formal communication, informal communication, downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, oral or verbal communication and the written communication. All this are in cooperated within the organizational communication. Organizational communication is how the organization is constituted, its culture, values and the goals of the organization and its members (Dewatripont & Tirole, 2005). The organizational communication helps in accomplishing tasks that are related to a specific role and responsibility of sales, services and also the production. It also helps to acclimate to the changes by involving the individual and also the organizational creativity and the addition to solve problems or to make decisions. Organizational communication helps in the achievement of tasks by use of the preservation policy, policy and the procedures that support the daily operation of the organization. It also helps in developing interaction at the human point and it is heading for the people to coordinate, control the operations within the organization by the management. In order for an organization to be successful, there must be a competent communication within the organization. This is achieved by the effective and efficient communication between the members of the organization. An organization that does not have good communication channels within it is bound to fail or collapse (Smircich, 1983). An organization that is experiencing a problem within its structure has got a higher chance to fail. If the company is facing closure due to a variety of uncontrolled factors which may result from the communication of the members may be due to various factors. For the scenario above, the organization has to restructure on how it handles its operations by adopting the best mode of communication within its structure for better coordination of its operations. The communication within the organization is the key to the success of the company. The mode of communication between the superiors and the juniors determines the progress of the company and how the company will get itself from the crisis of the closure. The modes of communication that may be used include formal communication which involves the travel of the information through the formal channel to the officially recognized positions in the organization's chart. It is regularly black and white. The information has to be regulated in order to ensure that the information flows effortlessly, timely and accurately. It ensures that the situation at hand is dealt with accordingly in order to save the company from closure since the formal mode of communication within an organization ensures the information flows through a proper channel. This mode of communication eliminates any form of confusion in the messages being sent from the top hence it will help the company handle the situation it is facing. The forms of formal communication majorly occur under the following level departmental meetings, company news bulletins, use of telephone calls, conferences within and outside the company and the special interview and the special purpose publication and the messages within the organization. Even though formal communication has got its limitation that needs to be encountered, formal communication greatly obstructs free and a nonstop flow of information. It is the reason why the organization has to use several modes of communication (Smircich, 1983). According to the culture of the company, the formal mode of communication will ensure that information is accurate and well understood. This mode will ensure constant communication and also increase trust between the members of the company. It will encourage them to always work together since it brings the level leaders together and interns it creates a good relationship between the higher ranks to the lower ranks hence team building in the organization. When the information is true and accurate the external stakeholders together with the customers will begin to trust the organization since the information passed in this manner will always be formal and to the point and also easy to understand. The use of an informal mode of communication will be used in the organization. It is free from all the formalities since it is used in relationships that are not formal like friendship. People at the executive level will also use the informal mode of dissemination of information to the workers and other departmental heads since it also involves the use of simple gesture, smile or just mere silence. The process of informal communication is very important. It plays a useful role in disseminating certain information which in the all-purpose concern of the organization may not be transmitted through the official channels. The informal mode of communication plays an important role in, it offers consideration to the high and the higher-ups a clearer insight into what the workers at the lower level think and also feel about the organization and the method of leadership. At the same time, informal communication has got its challenges that directly affect the flow of information within an organization. It often passes information which is distorted; it will be misinterpreted, inaccurate and may also be half-truth facts. The organization will gain from the relationship between the external stakeholders, the media and the consumers who will build trust in the organization and also the members of the organization. The members of the organization will be united and will also build trust in the organization from the structure in which the information is being dismissed. The forms of communication that will be used in the company are the downward communication which is a mode of communication that often flows from the superior of the company to the subordinates of the company. This mode of communication ensures that the superiors always exercise their powers in order to achieve the desired objectives of the company. The superiors may be engaged in issuing orders, instructions and policy directions to the people at the lower positions in the company. Immediate execution of the job directive is expected. The element of downward communication includes specific task directives, information about the company’s procedure and its practices, feedback to the subordinate about their performance and the information of an ideological character in order to inculcate a sense of mission and instruction of goals. Downward communication can either be face to face, through written memos, orders and also job depiction. The use of the downward communication is effective since it creates s unity between the people at the lower levels of the organization and the upper level of the organization. The external stakeholders, the customers, and the media will get trust in the company due to the communication from the superiors to the juniors. It makes them operate well and they also get encouraged to work resulting in a positive outcome hence building trust to the outsiders and also the consumers. It also creates team building and unity within the organization (Smircich, 1983). Another form of organizational communication is the upward communication. It involves the movements of information from the people in the lower position in the company to the people who are above them. It involves reaction, suggestions and the grievance from the staff. The contents of this mode of communication are the reports, reactions, proposal statements and the application prepared for the submission to the boss. The upward mode of communication is important since it gives the management the viewpoint, the attitude, feelings and the morals of the employees. It also provides a means of control. It also gives the information and the dates for decisions making. The limitations of the downward mode of communication may affect the operation of the organization. An employee may not give information that will affect his position within the company. The employee may even sort to pass the wrong information in order to impress his superiors. It flows in many forms e.g. through the suggestion boxes, through the attitude and the moral surveys, private lines, personal contacts and the labor unions within the company. This form of organizational communication is the most important since it causes the movement of the information between the external stakeholders, the consumers of the products of the good and services of the company will get attracted because of the trust due to communication by the company and also the members of the company. It will create a condusive environment for the increase and enable the pickup of the company before it completely collapses (Bartels et al, 2010). Horizontal mode of organizational communication takes place between people who are in the same level e.g. two or more people who are all subordinates and working on the same level within the organization. Communication between the functional managers or between the subordinate staffs who work under a common boss is an example of horizontal communication. Horizontal communication may be oral or may be written. Horizontal mode of communication meets the need of the people within...
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