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Final Project: Paper and Speech (Essay Sample)

The task was about illuminating the key elements learned in a course about communication and reflecting on what was learned throughout. Essentially, the sample expounds on mindful communication and the benefits of mindfulness in communication such as regulating difficult emotions. Also, the essay talks about communication ethics and the importance of applying ethical standards to communication, for instance, enhancing credibility and improving the decision-making process. source..
Final Project: Paper and Speech Author’s name Institutional affiliation Course Instructor’s name Date Final Project: Paper and Speech Communication is an essential component in human existence as it plays a substantial role in shaping relationships, information sharing, emotional expressions, and the conveyance of ideologies. Coherent with this assertion, the University of Minnesota (2016) posits that acknowledging communication as a central aspect of one's life and becoming more aware of how a person communicates is informative and positively influences life experiences. Throughout the course, improving my communication skills has been a ceaseless personal goal because I understand that my communication skills can influence my relationships either positively or negatively. In this project, I reinforce the central elements of the course, and I reflect on what I have learned as a result of being in the course based on self-assessment. Mindful Communication In this course, I have learned that mindfulness is a central aspect of effective communication as it ensures that a person fully pays attention to the emotions and thoughts of others with an open and non-judgmental attitude. In reinforcing the importance of mindfulness in communication, Jones et al. (2019) affirm that mindfulness in communication helps individuals regulate difficult emotions through non-judgment, non-reacting, and attentive listening. Before this course, my tolerance level to communication was low and I exhibit avoidant tendencies when difficult topics are involved. However, I have learned that mindful communication is a plausible way to pay attention to serious communication and equanimously observe when talking about difficult topics instead of being carried away by immediate reactions. I have also learned from this course that the non-judgmental attitude in mindful communication does not imply being indifferent or aloof to communication. In supporting this contention, Arendt et al. (2019) illuminate that the non-judgmental attitude in mindful communication signifies a form of equanimity, allowing cautious reactions instead of reflexive reactions. I have further learned that mindful communication is helpful in ameliorating difficult emotions by responding to distressed people through listening and showing empathy to them, and facilitates the suppression of negative emotions experienced by others. Reinforcing this learning point, The University of Minnesota (2016) propounds that reading and displaying emotions are learned through socialization, and when individuals communicate their emotions, they provide information that elicits reactions from others. Therefore, through mindful communication, one can recognize behaviors depicted by others that are associated with emotions, thus becoming more competent in reacting depending on the emotions. All-inclusive, the course has taught me that I need to be more mindful during communication as it helps in being reflective and relational to the emotions of others. Communication Ethics I have learned from the course that individuals cannot escape ethical questions during communication as questions concerning how helpful or harmful our actions are always prevail. Supporting this sentiment, the University of Minnesota (2016) explicates that applying ethical standards to communication is essential as communication encompasses an extensive range of ethical implications linked to academic, professional, civic, and personal contexts. In this context, the course has taught me that ethical communication enhances credibility, improves the decision-making process, and promotes a trustworthy communication process. In affirming this sentiment, Calub (2021) attests that ethics in communication offers a foundation for right and wrong, thus enabling two people to communicate with an understanding of what is expected. As a communicator, I prioritize ethics because generally, I am trustworthy, fair and impartial, and I respect the rights of everyone I engage in communications with. My ability to communicate ethically is always evident in my willingness to consider and respect others’ opinions even when these opinions contradict my viewpoints. This is ethical communication because as Calub (2021) elucidates, ethical communication should be sincere by avoiding manipulation, discrimination, and exaggeration. I have learned that ethical communication refutes hiding negative information behind an optimistic attitude, stating opinions as facts, and never making others look better or worse than they are. I display these behaviors as a communicator because usually, I am assertive and have no problem setting boundaries and speaking my mind despite my opinions being controversial. Also, I have learned from the course that unethical communication is characterized by false messages and misleading information as exemplified by plagiarism, misquoting, visual distortion, and misrepresenting numbers. I have learned the different principles of ethical communication and the most prevalent is honesty as it is easy in theory but difficult in practice. In supporting this statement, Calub (2021) elucidates that honesty is a predominant ethical principle in communication that when not followed can quickly damage the reputation of a person. Thus, I now understand that to ensure I am ethical in my communication, I should prioritize the truthfulness of my statements, and avoid exaggerating, and omission of statements as this could be considered as lying. Furthermore, I have learned that beyond the usual communication ethics, it is prudent to be sensitive regarding our words and behaviors in scenarios that some people might find offensive. As Calub (2021) emphasizes, people should ask themselves questions such as, could my language be offensive or could my words violate ethical standards before engaging in communication? Overall, I have learned from the course that while ethical communication is primarily an individual responsibility to ensure fair, unbiased, and respectful communication, ethical violations of communication can be considered legal to some extent. Positive Communication I have discerned from the course that positive communication defines quality human interaction, and can only be achieved through a conscious effort because positive communication is not a natural nature of human behavior. Illuminating this viewpoint, Arkadyevna (2014) stipulates that positive communication is a desirable skill in human interaction, and developing this trait requires a person to understand the particular aspects that make communication positive. As a communicator, I have established throughout the course that to become a positive communicator, one of the central elements I need to consider is positive intention. In emphasizing the importance of positive intention as a component of positive communication, Arkadyevna (2014) expounds that in positive communication, good intentions are essential. However, the author stresses that meaning well does not necessarily equate to positive communication, good intentions pave the way for a positive environment, encouraging positive communication (Arkadyevna, 2014). I have further learned that initiative is a central element in positive communication. In explaining the importance of initiative in positive communication, Arkadyevna (2014) postulates that a positive communicator should be proactive in the interaction. Proactiveness in communication requires intentionality, dynamicity, interlocutor orientation, and transferability. The course has enlightened me regarding the role of adaptability in positive communication as it ensures that the communication is adjusted based on age, gender, cultural identity, and societal status. I have learned that empathic listening is part of positive communication. In expanding on this statement, Arkadyevna (2014) notes that empathic listening enhances intimacy in interaction by fostering feelings of understanding, which is crucial for interpersonal needs of fulfillment. Also, I have realized that social support is a crucial component of positive communication, and can be provided on various levels, including emotional, instrumental, material, and informative. This analysis of positive communication makes me understand that positive communication is characterized by numerous variables, making it constructive, supportive, and effective. Communication Competence I have learned from the course that communication competence encompasses numerous parts, including knowledge that requires awareness of how to do things and understanding why things are done. Expounding on this sentiment, the University of Minnesota (2016) highlights that developing cognitive competence requires observing and evaluating others’ actions and engaging in instruction. I have further learned that by building my communication knowledge through experiential and classroom awareness, I will also be establishing my behavioral competence. Moreover, I now discern based on the course that communication self-efficacy correlates to communication competence. Affirming this discernment, Mehralian et al (2023) in their study to evaluate the correlation between communication competence, spiritual intelligence, and self-efficacy stipulate that communication competence can help in developing self-efficacy through mastering the relevant skills, thus reflecting on a person's ability to deal with stressful occurrences effectively. Also, I now realize that multiple factors can affect communication competence, including but not limited to physiological and psychological factors. In tune with this assertion, the University of Minnesota (2016) posits that considering physiology, a person's competency in communication can be affected by age and maturity. Regarding psychology, the University of Minnesota (2016) explains that mood, personality, and stress level are some of the psychological elements that ca...
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