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Now that you have completed your decision matrix, you will discuss your decision-making process and how you have used the matrix. For this discussion, you should NOT post your matrix but rather use it as a tool to evaluate your business. In your initial post, address the following: Explain how you could use the matrix in a different business/technology scenario. Give an example. What was the most challenging part of applying this matrix to the final project? What recommendations would you make to change your project, given some of the challenges you faced? source..
Discussion Question 1 Technology plays a significant role in the realm of business by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of various business processes. The matrix outlines diverse technological requirements for improving business. I could utilize the matrix to understand various aspects of the business, including enhancing communication, streamlining production operations, facilitating inventory management, optimizing customer service functions, and improving financial record-keeping (Son et al., 2018). Moreover, I would also utilize the matrix in business operations, particularly in the domains of e-business, e-commerce, and cloud computing, which was pronounced during the pandemic. Question 2 During the pandemic, a large portion of the population turned to online shopping as a precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus. The most challenging part of applying the matrix is understanding the rising demands for online orders and inventory management. While technology use has some benefits, inventory management and order processing experienced challenges when applying the matrix (Sashi, 2021). Also, most businesses depend on social media to facilitate operations, particularly engaging existing customers and attracting potential customers. Using the matrix to disseminate customer management information and share content that enhances the visibility and brand image was challenging. Question 3 The change I would recommend to my project would be implementing a knowledge management system that supports enhanced communication. One emerging phenomenon in the corporate realm is the utilization of social media to conduct commercial operations. This is the most challenging part because of the different types of customers. Most clients a...
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