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Communications and Media (Essay Sample)

Term paper Service: Writing Assignment size: 6.5 pages / 1805 words (Double spacing) Education level: University Language: English (US) Order Deadline: 5pm Assignment topic: How do mobile phones affect how people develop or sustain romantic relationships in positive or negative ways? You may focus on mobile phone use as a non-verbal behavior OR on the messages partners send via mobile phones. Subject: Communications and Media Sources: 3 sources required Citation Style: APA 7th edition Upload files COMM 89 F23 - Final Project Instructions.pdf Size: 116.3 Kb Today, 02:34 Not seen yet Instructions see attached file. the paper will be on research question number 5, "How do mobile phones affect how people develop or sustain romantic relationships in positive or negative ways? You may focus on mobile phone use as a non-verbal behavior OR on the messages partners send via mobile phones." The paper should include ten paragraphs and a thesis in the introduction. paper should also be in 12 font in times new roman. 1557331 an hour ago source..
Mobile Devices and Its Impacts On Romantic Relationships Name University Course Professor Date How Mobile Phones Affect How People Develop or Sustain Romantic Relationships in Positive or Negative Ways Face-to-face type of communication and friendship satisfaction are linked to positive emotional and psychological well-being. However, mobile devices are associated with positive emotions and psychological well-being. The manner by which people keep their interpersonal relationships and communicate has been shaped by technology (Chan, 2018). Some of the factors that have shaped this are the quick diffusion and utilization of smartphones. The relationships have been shaped by internet-enabled mobile equipment that incorporates numerous functions and features of personal computers and additional consumer electronics. One of the most popular types of communications are mobile devices. Talking about using the internet and cell phones is good. They make individuals develop meaningful relationships, specifically with those who reside far away. Nonetheless, studies illustrate that mobile phones might disrupt face-to-face type of interactions in romantic relationships. They ensure that meaningful conversation declines. Young adults who depend on their smartphones face large problems with techno conferences. Technology has huge impacts on relationships, but it also has harmful impacts. This research seeks to establish how mobile devices assist individuals in sustaining or developing relationships negatively or positively. Harmful Impacts of Mobile Devices and Technology Relationship Conflict The phone conversations that occur between partners influence face-to-face interactions. It increases relationship conflicts. Partners usually encounter and have a feeling of stress when their partners select to emphasize using their mobile phones at the expense of each other. Partners will then respond to conversations with harsh reactions. The main reason is that they feel distrustful or not understood (Byu, 2020). Partners with increased face-to-face interactions experience massive levels of gladness and satisfaction. Hence, it illustrates the reasons interruptions can negatively affect relationships. The relationships suffer negatively when cell phones hinder individuals from creating trust and closeness. Interference from smartphones can result in challenges and alter attitudes in relationships. Interruptions are connected with huge conflicts in relationships. Studies have postulated that the massive origin of disputes is when the joyful levels of couples are minimal due to increased interruption of face-to-face communication. In relationships, conflict can be unhealthy. Likewise, it is potentially unhealthy to make conflict from cell phone usage (Byu, 2020). Partners can overcome conflicts associated with the phone from relationships when they have open and healthy relationships. Couples have higher mental resilience and minimal feelings of distress when they have available and open communications. Alone Togetherness Individuals can be unhappy when they are alone in togetherness in relationships. This concept is utilized to provide a description when individuals are in a similar location. However, they are disrupted by the phones they are using. Diverse levels linked to alone togetherness are prevalent. The level is mild when people establish that their partners answer conversations and messages in relationships (Byu, 2020). A moderate level entails when couples are distracted multiple times or once since they are on cellphones. An extreme case level is when individuals are unwilling to communicate since they feel the demand to be on their cell phones at the expense of communication. Even though there are various levels of togetherness, while spending quality time with their partners, 62% of couples experience some level of phone usage (Byu, 2020). People experience unhappiness in relationships when they see their partners being on the phones while talking to them. In order to get meaningful time with partners, confidence, intimacy, and trust must be prevalent. In a romantic partnership, confidence, trust, and partnership should be present. Hence, creating a safe space for relationships and easing situations can be achieved by setting aside daily time for unplugging and recharging relationships (Byu, 2020). Couples can achieve meaningful time by leaving their phones in another room, turning them off, and putting them on airplane mode. Partners must put their phones down and put their partners first for them to build meaningful relationships. Loss of Opportunities Partners experience less connection when they use phones while talking during face-to-face interactions. For instance, if couples are not quickly looking up from their mobile phones, an emotional connection would be difficult to establish when conversing. It is difficult to understand another person's emotions when focused on phones. These types of conversations are associated with less meaningful relationships, less spoken words between partners, and weaker social interactions. Instead of face-to-face interactions, couples can lose opportunities when they utilize cell phones when talking to each other (Byu, 2020). Most people use email, texts, and different types of communication compared to face-to-face interaction. Individuals who prefer to be direct and have more time for response prefer to utilize cell phones when talking. Although these forms of communication are the most popular, they lessen the partner time conversation. This time is fundamental for developing a good relationship. Challenge of Relationship and Love Some women have overused smartphones and face difficulty in maintaining face-to-face communication. Therefore, they have an increased likelihood of experiencing challenges in their relationships and love. It happens despite these women lacking communication disorders. Only their phones affect them (Gomes et al., 2021). Otherwise, they perceive no particular obstacles related to the transmission of their desires. They are the reason for their partner's difficulties with their intimacy.  Leads to Phubbing Mobile devices also lead to pupping. It negatively impacts satisfaction in love and relationships. The main reason is that phubbing yields complications in communication. Women have a need to engage in social media activities, which results in phubbing. Consequently, it affects intimacy since, in relationships, love satisfaction is directly linked to a lack of phubbing. Satisfaction in love and relationships is thus dependent on a lack of communication issues (Gomes et al., 2021). It also depends on minimal problems regarding controlling smartphones. The lack of women's huge obsession with smartphones also contributes to increased intimacy. Cell Phone Snooping and Romantic Relationship Problems Among individuals in intimate or romantic relationships, cell phone snooping has translated to be a common issue. Low self-esteem and lack of trust are some of the motivations behind cell phone snooping. This might pose numerous negative impacts as cell phones have been demonstrated to be linked to emotional, sexual, psychological, and physical violence. Another outcome is repulsion, depression, uncertainty, and anxiety. Cell phones have been linked to high levels of stress (Arikewuyo et al., 2021). It occurs when either partner disobeys the rules and regulations of the couple's phones. Hence, it triggers conflicts and anger. Partners might also design boundaries using texts and calls with a person of the opposite gender. Nonetheless, conflicts might arise when the violation of those rules might result in conflict. Relationship Uncertainty and Social Media It arises from the insecurity and uncertainty in the romantic relationship of lacking sure if the relationship has a future or is unsustainable. If partners find themselves in relationship uncertainty, they are forced to utilize electronic surveillance to enhance their partners' monitoring. In an attempt to establish what they are performing, they are forced to explore their partners' profiles and content. Additionally, they can search for hints to determine the people with whom they are engaging in interactions to reduce their levels of uncertainty concerning the relationships (Mwangi, 2019). Relationship breakups also present uncertainty in relationships in the future. Even after the relationship is over and in the name of social media, it is not common to get couples who have separated already and remain just as friends. Romantic Jealousy and Social Media Jeleaousy happens due to the behavior of individuals, coping and feeling mechanisms, and emotional reactions. It takes place both in offline and online relationships. Romantic tensions also occur when partners like photos belonging to individuals of the opposite sex. Thus, it results in the feeling of jealousy of their partners (Mwangi, 2019). People experience increased jealousy when partners spend more time on social network sites. Dissolution of Romantic Relationships Mobile devices have also contributed immensely to the dissolution of romantic relationships. They have contributed to the accessibility of social media by other individuals, such as friends and family members. When people post their romantic partners on social media, family members and friends might oppose them. Thus, they result in multiple breakups. Similarly, people can form online types of relations (Mwangi, 2019). Nevertheless, these relationships can be terminated easily. Positive Use of Mobile Phones to Sustain Romantic Relationships Mobile phones can also have positive impacts on romantic relationships. For insta...
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