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Effects Of Climate Change on Food Production and Quality. (Essay Sample)

The attached PDF "Effects Of Climate Change on Food Production and Quality" analyzes the impact of climate change on food production. It underlines how climate change, including rises in temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events, presents issues to the food production industry, resulting to reduced crop yields and low-quality produce. The declaration also tackles the disturbance of ecosystems, changes in farming practices and technology, and the loss in food quality owing to growing levels of carbon dioxide. It underscores the detrimental impacts of climate change on food yield and quality, posing problems to farmers and damaging food consumers. The references referenced in the document include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US Department of Commerce, NOAA. The file provides a detailed summary of the multiple ways in which climate change influences food production and quality, focusing on scientific research and credible sources. source..
Effects Of Climate Change on Food Production and Quality. Student’s Name University Course Professor Date Climate change refers to prolonged changes in weather patterns. From increases in temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and changes in extreme weather events, climate change causes challenges to the food production sector, which leads to reduced crop yields and low-quality produce, affecting the availability and productivity of food. Climate change leads to disruption in ecosystems. IPCC 2019 states that substantial climate change has occurred since the 1950s, and temperatures will likely increase by 0.4 to 2.6 degrees Celsius. The IPCC further estimates that 20 to 30% of plant and animal species are at risk of extinction [IPCC,2023]. Climate influences the growth and development of plants and sea creatures, and environmental changes will likely affect the ecosystem. Warm temperatures lead to drought, which causes the death of plants as well as the death of sea creatures like fish. Prolonged high temperatures lead to low yields. The U.S. Corn Belt, known for its productivity in corns, experienced high temperatures around 2010 and 2012, resulting in premature budding IPCC(2023). Warm temperatures are likely to disrupt a plant's flowering and pollination stage, which are vital in lowering the plant's productivity. In animals, heat waves affect the immune system, causing diseases and low productivity. A rise in sea levels leads to changes in rainfall patterns. The increase in sea levels in the coastal areas has led to a loss of land. Climatic changes have caused floods that have destroyed crops and increased sea levels, reducing land available for farming (Meakin & Kurvitis,2002). Floods in these areas have also led to an invasion of foodborne diseases in areas where crops are grown. Climate change leads to changes in farming practices and technology. Farmers across different regions have different agricultural practices due to various weather patterns experienced in the other areas. Changes in weather patterns lead to changes in farming practices. The type and amount of chemical pesticides and fertilizers are likely to change. Warm climates cause dry conditions, and dry environments are prone to wildfires. As stated by NOAA 2021, climate change has been the main driver of the increase in wildfires in the western United States (IPCC, 2023). Heat temperatures evaporate moisture from crops, leaving dry organic matter that is prone to wildfire. The projected changes may impact the recovery of the land, preventing pre-fire ecosystems from re-establishing. Rising levels of carbon dioxide significantly threaten food safety and quality. According to IPCC 2019, between 25 and 30 % of the food produced is spoiled. High levels of carbon dioxide lead to the production of food that is less nutritious. Staple...
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