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The Impact of Lung Cancer in Urban Areas in America: A Comprehensive Solution (Essay Sample)

Did you know that lung cancer is more common in the United States' metropolitan areas? This disease poses a serious public health problem. It is critical to address the underlying causes of this problem in order to successfully tackle the high frequency of lung cancer in metropolitan areas across the United States. This multidimensional strategy must include methods for improving urban planning, way of life, and healthcare. We can only expect to lessen the deadly effects of lung cancer in our American cities by implementing a comprehensive remedy. source..
The Impact of Lung Cancer in Urban Areas in America: A Comprehensive Solution Student's Name Department, Institutional Affiliation Course Code: Course Title Professor's Name Due Date The Impact of Lung Cancer in Urban Areas in America: A Comprehensive Solution Introduction: A silent killer is operating in the busy streets of America's major cities. Did you know that lung cancer is more common in the United States' metropolitan areas? This disease poses a serious public health problem. It is critical to address the underlying causes of this problem in order to successfully tackle the high frequency of lung cancer in metropolitan areas across the United States. This multidimensional strategy must include methods for bettering urban planning, way of life, and healthcare. We can only expect to lessen the deadly effects of lung cancer in our American cities by implementing a comprehensive remedy. The Problem: In urban areas of the United States, lung cancer prevalence is a significant and growing public health concern. This invisible epidemic exacts a hefty toll on urban residents across the nation and requires immediate attention. Due to a combination of important contributing factors, the severity of this problem is most pronounced in urban areas. (Cairoli et al., 2017) Urban areas are plagued by elevated levels of air pollution, primarily due to vehicular emissions, industrial processes, and construction activities. The cumulative effect of protracted exposure to these pollutants significantly raises the lung cancer risk of the urban population. In addition, the urban lifestyle itself is a major contributor to the prevalence of this disease. The fast-paced, high-stress urban lifestyle frequently results in hazardous behaviors, such as an increased prevalence of tobacco use and poor dietary decisions. These lifestyle factors substantially contribute to the urban communities' increased lung cancer incidence. Moreover, many urban occupations expose individuals to carcinogens such as asbestos, radon, and industrial compounds, thereby increasing the risk of lung cancer. The confluence of these environmental and lifestyle factors makes addressing the fundamental causes of lung cancer in urban areas a complex challenge. Problem History: There has been a disturbing upward trend in the number of incidences of lung cancer in metropolitan areas over the last several decades. This spike in reported incidents is very worrisome and indicative of a growing public health catastrophe that requires quick intervention. It offers a picture of an increasingly severe condition, highlighting the need for immediate action (Nuche et al., 2019). New information confirms the gravity of the problem, validating previous worries. There is a clear disparity in the incidence of lung cancer in urban and rural locations. The presented data highlights the notable discrepancy and the seriousness of the issue faced by those living in metropolitan areas, where there is a significantly elevated occurrence of lung cancer. The importance of this situation has been underscored, prompting several previous efforts to address it. The aforementioned endeavors have included initiatives such as anti-smoking campaigns and several other activities (Nuche et al., 2019). Although there has been some degree of improvement, it is evident that further and increasingly effective approaches are necessary to directly address the problem. Although past efforts have shown positive outcomes, the endeavor to combat lung cancer in metropolitan regions is still in its nascent phase. Problem Causes and Effects: The primary cause of lung cancer is often ascribed to the presence of air pollution. Urban areas often experience air pollution, which is frequently brought on by causes including automobile emissions, industrial processes, and construction activities. According to Nuche et al. (2019), air pollution is becoming the main cause of cancer in urban areas, and exposure to these pollutants over an extended period of time significantly increases the chance of developing lung cancer. Cigarette smoking is a major contributing factor as well. The intense stress and hectic pace of city life sometimes lead to more people lighting up. This lack of space plays a major role in explaining why urban people have a higher rate of lung cancer, and passive smoking makes the situation worse. Effects of Lung Cancer This epidemic illness has far-reaching consequences for both people and society as a whole. Many lives are lost on a personal level because of the high death rates caused by the widespread presence of lung cancer in metropolitan settings. The healthcare system feels the effects of this, as hospitals are crowded and supplies run low. Moreover, the cost is not limited to deaths and medical expenditures (Cairoli et al., 2017). Patients and their loved ones suffering from lung cancer have a drastically diminished quality of life on many levels. The fact that it affects more than just a person or a family may only heighten the urgency of finding a solution. Proposed Solution Improving air quality, anti-smoking programs, and workplace safety are the three pillars of our proposed solution to the problem of lung cancer in metropolitan settings. The terrible effects of lung cancer in American cities must be addressed from several angles, and this multidimensional strategy is essential for doing so (Sneha et al., 2018). We can make our cities better places to live by focusing on these factors. Addressing Root Causes Urban lung cancer's underlying causes are an important focus of our all-encompassing remedy. To efficiently deal with these problems, we offer a three-pronged strategy. First, there must be a concentrated attempt to enhance air quality. This remedy necessitates new and more stringent rules on car and industrial emissions(Ruan et al.,.2021). Air pollution in cities may be greatly reduced by pushing for the use of public transportation, switching to electric cars, and supporting the use of renewable energy sources (Sneha et al., 2018). We also stress the need for comprehensive anti-smoking initiatives in metropolitan areas. These efforts have to include widespread public awareness campaigns, classroom instruction, and easy access to nicotine replacement products. Positive Effects; Implementation: Potential Challenges and the Stakeholders: The recommended remedies might significantly reduce urban lung cancer rates. These initiatives will improve public health and the economy while easing the health crisis. The economic growth is due to lower healthcare expenses and a healthier urban workforce, leading to improved productivity (Piñeros et al., 2021). These solutions need tougher emissions limits for industry and automobiles, diligent monitoring, and fines for noncompliance. Green technology and public transportation initiatives must be encouraged. Effective anti-smoking initiatives, including commercials, instructional programs, and quitting services at healthcare institutions and pharmacies, are essential (Piñeros et al., 2021). Enhancing workplace safety rules, educating employees about carcinogenic exposure dangers, and promoting protective equipment are also crucial. The long-term advantages of lower healthcare costs and better public health outweigh implementation problems such as industry opposition, funding allocation, and change resistance. These programs must include local government, healthcare experts, urban planners, industry, educational institutions, and community groups. Proposed Solution and Potential Objections The proposed solution is expected to face objections from those concerned about the cost of stricter regulations, the right to smoke, and the possibility that strict occupational safety measures will hinder business growth and inno...
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