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Women and History (Essay Sample)

The roles that women have held in society throughout history. Compared to men, this essay reviews the different capacities and roles that women have engaged in. Their collective responsibilites in the hands of men have been defined including domestic violence. The essay goes o to compare how their roles have changed and what could be done to better their situation in society. source..
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Women and History For centuries, women in society have been regarded as second-class citizens. The place of women in society was in the home, performing household duties and taking care of the family. On the other hand, men were accorded more opportunities in terms of education, economic participation, employment, and political representation. Historically, women's rights were less than those of men. For instance, women were not allowed to hold positions of power or engage in financially building activities. However, from the 20th century, women began to share some privileges reserved for men. For instance, women in most nations were allowed to vote and gain an education. The limited rights that women were subjected to exposed them to different forms of abuse by men. Even though women historically were viewed as lesser humans, they were associated with different roles and responsibilities in society. The most common roles that women play in society, both historically and in the present, are wifehood and motherhood. Women have been uniquely viewed as elements of life even though they have been insignificant in society. However, women have joined men in their economic roles in the past decade. Gender equality through education and opportunities in the workplace have awarded them the part of financial bearers in the home (Yellen). Both historically and in the present, women have reserved the role of holding the family together. While men have joined women in executing the affairs in the household, women take the lead in raising children to be responsible members of society. The behavior children acquire as they grow up is associated with the ability of their mother to raise them in the way they should walk. Even though women's current roles have diversified, they are still subject to abuse by men in society. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated three out of ten women have been subjected to physical or sexual violence by their partner. This means that 30% of women are at risk of abuse. Most abuse perpetrated against women is based on the idea that they are inferior members of society (World Health Organization). In male chauvinistic countries, the violence against women is higher. Factors contributing to the violence against women include lower levels of education on the male side which pushes them to exert domi...
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