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Ban Private Ownership of Exotic Animals (Essay Sample)

The task required the student to reflect on the topic of owning exotic animals and take a side on whether to ban private ownership of exotic animals or allow it. Whichever side the student presented, they had to provide two reasons why they have taken that side of the debate. Therefore, the sample is about banning private ownership of exotic animals. The main reasons provided include the welfare of these animals cannot be fully met and the animals pose a threat to human health and safety. The essay provides a deeper explanation based on the reasons provided. source..
Ban Private Ownership of Exotic Animals Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor’s Name Date Ban Private Ownership of Exotic Animals The debate on banning private ownership of exotic animals has two sides. Those against the ban claim that the endangered animals are safer with private owners than in the wild. Those in support argue that wild animals should remain in the wild where they are secure and free to roam and survive. In reflection of the debate, private ownership of exotic animals should be banned worldwide because the welfare of these animals cannot be fully met and the animals pose a threat to human health and safety. Private ownership of exotic animals should be banned because individuals cannot fully meet the welfare of these animals. According to Schowe (2023), the welfare of exotic animals in captivity is severely compromised, diminishing their prosperity and survival. For example, exotic animals have special diets and nutrient and environmental needs that may not be met within private surroundings, which risks their development. Despite research and continued observation of these animals by private owners to learn their behaviors, the freedom and well-being experienced in captivity cannot match their subsistence in the wild. Therefore they have a better chance of survival in their natural habitats. Exotic animals also threaten human health and safety. Wild animals are susceptible to zoonotic diseases that can be harmful when transmitted to humans. Also, the animals have a high chance of attacking their private owners. For instance, since 1990, there have been over 1500 attacks and 75 human deaths connected to wildlife pets (Messmer, 2020). It is most likely that exposure to diseases and attacks will continue to increase since wild animals cannot be domesticated and treated as pets. In summary, private ownership of exotic animals should be banned worldwide since the welfare of such animals cannot be ...
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