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Education reflection essay (Essay Sample)

Showcase of Best Work Overview Your first assignment for Module 4 requires you to look back over the courses you have taken in your program of study, select what you feel are your top two assignments from two courses that 1) you incorporated your learned knowledge with instructional technology to support learning, and 2) you applied either research or assessment knowledge.My two best assignments were: Teaching Diverse Learners in the 21st Century Supporting Gifted and Talented Students from low-income communities. FYI (You will write 2 pages on each topic) Total = 4 pages For each of the two assignments you select, you will be writing a 2 page justification. Consider the following key points in constructing your justification papers: 1) Rationale: Please explain how the two of the course assignments you selected are the best examples that can show you have incorporated your learned knowledge with instructional technology, and you have applied either research or assessment. source..
Reflection Student's Name Institution Course Professor Date Reflection I have written various assignments in this course. Most of them are my favorites. As such, I will only pick two of the best. Diversity in public schools and barriers that affect low-income students are the ones I choose to discuss. The assignment seeks two justify these two topics. Diversity in Public Schools I consider diversity as one of my best works. The assignment had various points that I could relate to in my life, areas I feel the system needs to improve, and methods to make education better. Diversity shows the overall racial makeup measures of the schools (Cooper & Fry, 2020). The assignment proved that integration helps reflect diversity in public schools. Rationale I have incorporated the knowledge gained from covering diversity in public schools in my general knowledge. I assert that the course assignment was fundamental to realizing that diversity prepares students for adulthood. Notably, the topic created engaging and compelling learning experiences. It offered me the opportunity to apply diversity skills to promote creativity. Arguably, the knowledge gained is helping me interact well with people of different ethnic groups. As such, the interaction between different groups is sparking creativity. I have applied the research and assessment knowledge to foster my school and career development. Before the assignment, I did not know that diversity can help students enter adulthood. Ultimately, I am now handling diversity with grace and maturity, and I can now work with individuals of diverse backgrounds. Knowledge I have learned various vital issues that can help change student perception of diverse people. Firstly, diversity creates a culturally responsive learning environment. Through diversity, students become understanding and respectful of varying cultures from their towns. Secondly, there is a need for public schools to allow students to learn about their communities. Learning about my culture is as vital as learning about others since it enhances cultural understanding. Reflection For improvement of the assignment, I should have interviewed my classmates for further information. My assignment did not involve interviews. If I were to do the assignment again, I would conduct interviews in the classroom. I would ask classmates how they think diversity can be improved. I would also ask for the measures they believe can enhance school diversity. Besides, I would like to know my classmates' personal experiences of diversity in school and outside school. Moreover, for personal improvement, I want to practice more on cultural sensitivity. While keeping open dialogues with fellow students on campus, I want to consider everyone's beliefs, language, and culture. I will recognize each student's cultural distinctions, including the language they express and the learning styles. Application I can apply the "Diversity in Public Schools" knowledge in teaching. The knowledge of diversity encourages teachers to respect and acknowledge every student. Learners need to respect and celebrates their diverse backgrounds and those of others. As a teacher, I will encourage students to study and understand their cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Significantly, this will enhance their understanding of their cultural nuances and differences with others. Notably, I will allow learners to present assignments on their family traditions and culture. Barriers that Affect Low-Income Students We all know that low income is not suitable for education. Poverty is known for reducing a child's readiness for school. Low income is associated with poor health, designing a learner's ability to concentrate and causes poor motor skills. Poverty declines the ability to remember information as well as reducing attentiveness, motivation, and curiosity. These points, among others, make me choose this topic as my second-best course assignment. Rationale The research provides knowledge on the effects of poverty on education. Children raised in impoverished conditions face several disadvantages. Low income declines a person's readiness for school. By covering the causes of a child's poor readiness for school, such as deprived motor skills, diminished physical health, diminished capacity to remember information and concentration, low motivation, curiosity, and attentiveness, I developed the interest to help children live in such conditions (Cooper & Fry, 2020). I have been raised in a stable family and in an environment where my neighbors were upper-class earners. As such, I did not interact more with children from impoverished families in the school. However, I am personally concerned with the well-being of others. Consequently, the assignment and research in this particular area allowed interacting with students from low-income families. I gained vital knowledge that I plan to use to change the situation. Knowledge Through the assignment and research, I understood that low-income implies having no teachers or having untrained teachers. Educator effectiveness is an essential predictor of student learning (Cooper & Fry, 2020). Children in low-income areas are likely to lack trained teachers or lack teachers since they cannot pay for fees. As such, they end up getting poor education ...
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