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Education Should Be Free (Essay Sample)

THE TASK was TO WRITE AN argumentative ESSAY THAT supports THE NOTION THAT EDUCATION SHOULD BE FREE regardless of age, religion, sex, race, social status, and economic background. However, in a bid to conform to academic standards and respect the view of multiple perspectives, the sample incorporates three sources with two supporting the notion and one opposing it. source..
Education Should Be Free Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor/Professor’s Name Due Date Education Should Be Free Since the advent of the industrial age, education has been one of the driving forces of civilization and human development across all spheres. However, despite its enormous benefits, the idea of whether education should be free has become a controversial public debate with strong arguments from both sides. This paper, however, supports the notion that education should be free for all, regardless of age, sex, religion, culture, social and economic background. Education plays an integral role in the lives of every individual and it is recognized as a powerful weapon for every human. One of the fundamental reasons why education should be free is that it is a basic right of every individual. According to UNESCO (n.d.), every individual has the right to education and lifelong learning. This implies that making it free would give individuals the avenue to exercise this right without restriction or constraint. Additionally, free education helps alleviate poverty and improve the overall standard of living of people. When education is free, the avenue to develop and acquire more knowledge, improve dexterity, and upgrade skills needed for people to survive and thrive in their respect careers would thrive, hence leading to a decrease in the poverty level and improvement in the standard of living of people. Moreover, free education also leads to increased economy and expansion of the labor force. According to the University of the People (n.d.), the upward trend of technology in recent times requires the need for more skilled workers, as a result, making education free for all would help expand the workforce horizon of skilled workers and also create a buoyant economy.    Furthermore, free education helps bridge the inequality gap that exists between the rich and the poor. According to research, over 244 million learners are out of school due to economic and social reasons (UNESCO, n.d.). By making education free, the gap between the rich and the poor would be bridged, thus, allowing fairness and equality to thrive. Conclusively, while there have been several arguments against the reason why education shoul...
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