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Naturalism in the context of Education (Essay Sample)

This sample is a personal take on the advantage of naturalism theory. in the field of education, SEVERAL THEORIES CARRY beliefs like A child's early exposure TO social problems, or student-based instruction for better learning outcomes. In the same manner, naturalism CARRIES the belief that children should be given age-appropriate knowledge and exposure. Children should be given the space they need to become children and be free from social problems until such time that they can better understand them. In the sample essay, i talked about how a child can enjoy their childhood and still be socially aware as they grow. source..
Naturalism as an Educational Tool I have always believed that the world should be gentle with children. They are fragile, innocent, and yet to learn about the world. Things are still vague and too much for children to understand. Their learning should be gradual and according to what their capacity can absorb. But people, both child and adolescent, have different capacities. What you may understand in one classroom session may take me a week to learn. Thus, a child who needs time to acquire learning also needs extra patience according to their ability to take in information. The social reality is too much for children. Aside from the complexities of our social and individual realities, the emotional distress it could bring to a child may be destructing. We do not want to build up a child with a negative perception of what is ahead for them. We would want them to flourish and be hopeful in what life could be despite challenges. However, at the same time that we want our children to grow up optimistic, we do not want them to reach adulthood turning their back on whatever negative comes their way. My ideal goal for children is for them not just to become hopeful of the future, but also to become part of the hope there is in the world. What we should be instilling in children at a young age is the ability to have a better judgment of things. We should be teaching them how to decide when something is right or wrong. Whether it is about a storybook or their classmates' behavior, a child should have judgment based on their moral compass. It is not to say that we should already impose on the children what is right and what is wrong. Because even we adults do not always get things right. Instead, let us build a child’s character at an early age. Teach them compassion, awareness, and passion in...
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