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Anatomical Lab Analysis (Essay Sample)

Anatomical Lab Analysis check the pdf file with the questions and the pictures that you are supposed to use In naming the parts of each bone and have the final work ready before the given deadline. Also, no sources are required for this assignment. Ensure you get me a good grade on this assignment. source..
Elbow, Wrist and Hand 1t, \I\ Chapter 7•• t -.: . :\ '· l•·,.l Kinesiology Anatomical Assessment ' "" . -. it· . Packet Due: April 05, 2024 • . 646958-3352289..::, .,·. 1220610033981 .< • ' Students Name: _Course: PHED 338 l,. Introduction to Sports Medicine Elbow, Wrist, & Hand Name_Date _____________ 1 1513640701498ABC.DABC.DHand Anatomy- Label each diagram and answer questions. 477202585724TrapeziumTrapezoid Capitate Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Hamate MetacarpalsMiddle Phalanx0TrapeziumTrapezoid Capitate Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Hamate MetacarpalsMiddle Phalanx Ji 4089400297180I00I 2 This nerve is compromised with carpal tunnel syndrome? 1 Radial 2 Axillary 3 Ulnar 4 Median 5 None of these. 3 Which of the following bones of the hand can be palpated within the area known as the "anatomical snuff-box"? 6 Lunate 7 Pisiform 8 Scaphoid 9 None of these. 4 An injury unique to the hand known as the boxer's fracture involves which of the following anatomic structures? 10 4th & 5th metacarpal bones Distal end of the 1st metacarpal bone Proximal end of the 1st metacarpal bone 2nd & 3rd metacarpal bones None of these. 5 Elbow Anatomy - Label each diagram and answer questions. 355600284480 4384675624205 Coronoid process Head of radius UlnaRadius0 Coronoid process Head of radius UlnaRadius 3051147504406646100553513662010058403 6 Forearm Anatomy - Label each diagram and answer questions. 2565400306070Flexor carpi ulnarisPalmaris longusFlexor carpi radialisPronator teres00Flexor carpi ulnarisPalmaris longusFlexor carpi radialisPronator teres1135230144256 2984500467361BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis Longus and BrevisExtensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi Ulnaris0BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis Longus and BrevisExtensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi Ulnaris2765425276860________________________________00________________________________238442545783501000955192392II 305126961549304910058403 9118605080 2917825222250BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis Longus and BrevisExtensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi Ulnaris00BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis Longus and BrevisExtensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi Ulnaris250825050800000Extensors 1525846209128438223213751A. SternoclavicularB. AcromioclavicularC. GlenohumeralD. ScapulothoracicA. SternoclavicularB. AcromioclavicularC. GlenohumeralD. ScapulothoracicShoulder Joints C D Sternoclavicular Scapulothoracic GlenohumeralAcromioclavicular Rotator cuff muscles 213454389061-C-CA 448627512065A. SupraspinatusB. Teres MinorC. InfraspinatusD. Subscapularis0A. SupraspinatusB. Teres MinorC. InfraspinatusD. Subscapularis Anterior shoulder Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Posterior shoulder Teres Minor Subscapularis 5 30512538 Please label the following ligaments Acromioclavicular 4330700172720A. CoracoclavicularB. AcromioclavicularC. Coracoacromial0A. CoracoclavicularB. AcromioclavicularC. CoracoacromialCoracoclavicular Coracoacromial 1536699838200049593598425RIGHT FRONT VIEWRIGHT FRONT VIEW 106045019685 1127124118110 1 The glenohumeral joint is this type of joint – Ball-and-socket joint 2 The glenoid labrum is a ring of cartilage to which the capsule attaches. 473392573025IA. FlexionIRotationAdductionExtensionHorizontal AbductionHorizontal AdductionG. AbductionIA. FlexionIRotationAdductionExtensionHorizontal AbductionHorizontal AdductionG. Abduction 3 Match the following: (May use more than one (letter for the muscle or muscle groups) A. Flexion Bicep Brachii C. Adduction, F. Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major G. Abduction Supraspinatus D. Extension, E. Horizontal abduction Triccp Brachii, Teres Major & Latissimus Darsi B. Rotation C. Adduction lnfraspinatus, Teres Minor & Supscapularis 152514750 4 List and explain the degrees of an acromioclavicular (AC) joint sprain. * The AC joint sprain has three major stages and each is divided based on ligament damage. * The AC joint is where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the shoulder blade (scapula). * The AC is held by strong ligaments and when the ligaments torn due to impact or force, it leads to the joint sprain. * The degrees of AC joint sprain include: 1. Grade I AC Joint Sprain (Mild) ...
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