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Annotated Bibliography: The Differences in Transportation Modes Between China and Canada (Essay Sample)

Here are the instructions Assignment: Students will submit an annotated bibliography of at least 5 sources that they plan to use for their research essay. The purpose of this assignment is threefold: • You will be demonstrating how deeply you have been researching your topic • You will be assessing and summarizing your research, helping you form your ideas for your essay • You will be learning how to do an academic skill: making an annotated bibliography. For this assignment, you will need to: o … include the sources that you have consulted. Be sure to reference these sources in proper APA style. o … write a brief summary of each source article you list on this bibliography, clearly indicating the main idea(s) in the article (or book), and how you hope to use the article (or book) in your essay. A brief summary will be sufficient (3-4 sentences). o … write a conclusion (6-10 sentences) to your researched material. Are you able to synthesize your research? Can you compare or contrast some authors’ views? How are you assessing the material? How will you be analyzing it in your essay? Exapmle: Five sources Each one, he’s going to write A a short summary and B a sentence about how he will use it. APA reference—title, author year etc This article is about M locations throughout the world. The article explains how the company chooses great locations in wonderful spots. It also details how much money M makes from different real estate investments. I will use this info to support my first point in my essay. Summary and HOW 5 times PLUS Concluding All of these resources will help me write an excellent essay 6 paragraphs total Research from your research paper. 5 points 6 paragraphs Reading report 2 6 paragraphs 1-5 5 references A summary of one of your RP resources. Plus how you'll use it. Concluding paragraph wraps it all APA style references APA reference for the resource Paragrpah Don’t start sentence with and, but, so. source..
Annotated Bibliography: The Differences in Transportation Modes Between China and Canada Name University Course Professor Date Smirnov, A., Smolokurov, E., & Smolina, O. (2022). China’s public transport in its present and future. E3S Web of Conferences. This article discusses China’s public transport system’s developments and tendencies in their conference paper. The authors describe and explain the significant parts of China’s public transport, including buses, subways, and high-speed rail transport. The paper outlines significant spending and technological advances that have helped shape the enhanced infrastructure for public transport in Chinese cities. The paper also looks at future developments, including the proliferation of intelligent technologies in transport, increased use of self-driving cars, and further development of high-speed rail transport as crucial contributing factors to capacity and efficiency in Chinese public transport. The article is helpful when considering the comprehensive development and future orientation of public transportation in China. The assessment of the current state of public transportation and the exploration of the possibilities encouraged by development achievements and future trends contribute to understanding the effectiveness of China’s public transportation system. The article provides several examples of how large-scale investments and innovations have made China a leading country in public transportation. This will be useful in comparing the advanced and efficient public transport in China to the less developed one in Canada. Some of the factors this source will help uncover are the elements affecting the efficiency and usage of public transport in China. Wang, D., & Zhou, M. (2017). The built environment and travel behavior in urban China: A literature review. Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment. This source discusses the connection between the urban environment and travel patterns in China. From the synthesis of the studies, the authors pinpoint vital attributes that affect travel, including city density, land use, street network, and transit access. The review also reveals how urban transformation and modernization in China’s cities have impacted travel patterns with the increasing dependency on public transport and other modes such as walking and cycling. Furthermore, the review also comprehends the issues arising from urban sprawl and the importance of coordinated land use and transport policies for enhancing sustainable mobility. This source is helpful for the analysis of the changes occurring in the Chinese urban transport systems and the factors that influence people’s mobility in the cities of China. A breakdown of the population density, the land use pattern, and public transportation accessibility will help prove that China’s urban structure allows for efficient and sustainable mobility and starkly contrasts Canada’s car-oriented development. Besides, the insights into the environmental effects of China’s travel behavior will help support the positive effects of China’s transport policies on congestion and pollution. This source will better compare the transportation systems within China and Canada and the impact of urban planning in enhancing sustainable mobility. Chen, Y., & Acheampong, R. A. (2023). Mobility-as-a-service transitions in China: Emerging policies, initiatives, platforms, and MaaS implementation models. Case Studies on Transport Policy. This article discusses the mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) changes in China, specifically regarding policy platforms and other initiatives. Chen and Acheampong reviewed different implementation models of MaaS within China, focusing on new technological advancements and changes in mobility within cities. It outlines the general understanding of how China is incorporating the new service models and technology in transport. MaaS implementation in China’s public and urban transportation system will be investigated with the help of this source. This article will help contrast the innovative Chinese solutions in transport with the technology adopted within the Canadian transport mix. Diab, E., Kasraian, D., Miller, E. J., & Shalaby, A. (2020). The rise and fall of transit ridership across Canada: Understanding the determinants. Transport Policy. This source examines the factors that led to changes in transit ridership trends in various regions in Canada, especially during the growth and decline stage of public transportation. It emphasizes the need to provide frequent and regular services that are dependable and all-encompassing, which is fundamental to the usage of transit services. The paper also focuses on the effectiveness of other modes of transport, such as ride-share and cycling services, on public transport. This source helps identify trends in public transport usage in Canada and establishes the causes of such trends. The authors also highlight the different sets of factors that might influence the use of transit and can help understand the difficulties faced by public transportation systems across Canada. The profound analysis of service quality, demography, and competition from other modes of transportation will help illustrate that compared to China, public transit in Canada is less developed and has several challenges to ensure and expand demand. Furthermore, the analysis of the current state of Canadian transit systems could be helpful in the development of recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of public transportation across Canada. This information will help compare the public transportation system in Canada, which is still poor and not fully developed, with that of China, which has many efficient modes of transport, to prove the statement. Allen, J., & Farber, S. (2019). Sizing up transport poverty: A national scale accounting of low-income households suffering from inaccessibility in Canada, and what to do about it. Transport Policy. This article explores transport poverty in Canada, where people experiencing poverty cannot access affordable and maneuverable transportation means. The study provides broad national-scale research and determines the areas with the highest transport poverty rates and the socio-economic effects on the communities. The authors use geographical information system (GIS) mapping and statistical analysis to compare different provinces and territories regarding transportation accessibilit...
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