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Lessons Learned From Apology Tweets Made by Celebrities (Essay Sample)

The instructions for this assignment were to analyze apology tweets made by at least two celebrities and discuss the key lessons learned from the mistakes they made. students were required to explain how these instances can be avoided through measures, such as proper use of technology and changes in personal behaviors to become a better writer. source..
Lessons Learned From Apology Tweets Made by Celebrities Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Class Professor’s Name Date Lessons Learned From Apology Tweets Made by Celebrities Social media platforms are important to celebrities for maintaining a good public image. In case of wrong actions, expressing remorse helps in restoring relationships between celebrities and their audience. The lessons learned by analyzing apology tweets made by celebrities are that one can become a better writer by controlling emotions, making seemingly authentic posts, using Notes or similar technologies, and focusing on self-other elements when apologizing. Firstly, bad tweets by celebrities help people learn the need to manage their emotions as a way to write excellent posts. In 2018, an infamous USA actor, Armie Hammer posted a tweet criticizing some other celebrities who shared grief selfies following the death of Stan Lee (Weber, 2019). Later, Hammer tweeted expressing remorse for his action and promised to exercise impulse control. Therefore, to become better writers, celebrities should learn to control emotions and rethink before expressing their views online. Second, making a tweet or an apology that appears sincere or genuine to the audience is a great way to become a better writer. Failure to write what seems to be a heartfelt or authentic apology may have ramifications for celebrities (Hu et al., 2018). The audience may not accept the apology or the post may create the wrong impression about the celebrity. A case in point is when Taylor Swift shared a post in 2016 stating that she should be left out of the issue between Kanye West and Kim Kardashian (Weber, 2019). Some fans criticized her since the screenshot from Notes had a “search icon” appearing at the top on the left corner implying that it may have been written by someone else. Therefore, to become better writers, people should learn how to make tweets or posts that seem authentic to the audience. Thirdly, new technologies should be used write great posts, tweets, or apologies. Applications, such as Notes found on Apple devices are used by celebrities for mass communication and also to generate statements that can effectively express remorse (Weber, 2019). The tweets, posts, or apologies appear to be genuine and well-written and employ some cliches, such as those used in expressing remorse. Many renowned celebrities, for example, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Drake have apologized using Notes due to its reliability. Therefore, celebrities or people who do not use these technologies can become better writers by embracing Notes app or similar technologies as a way to write creative and excellent posts. Lastly, to become better writers, people should consider self-other elements rather than just focusing on themselves when writing apologies. The audience is more likely to accept apologies that have elements of self-other, for instance, the harm doer acknowledging they made a transgression that hurt others, being remorseful, and promising reparation (Nigro et al., 2019). This approach is better than being self-focused by admitting responsibility for the act, expressing regret, and restitution. An apology has different meanings to the wrongdoer and the victim (Leunissen et al., 2013). The victim may want retribution or compensation while the harm doer seeks to defend himself or herself or to restore the relationship with the person they hurt. Therefore, to write better posts, tweets, or apologies, pe...
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