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Mastering Literacy (Essay Sample)

Article 1: Williams et al. (2017) This study evaluated various spelling and reading interventions for children with learning disabilities (LD) from kindergarten to grade 12. Results showed that while these interventions improved spelling accuracy slightly, they did not significantly enhance reading skills. The authors suggest that more research is needed to develop methods that will strengthen both spelling and reading for students with LD. The findings offer some hope for educators and parents, indicating that targeted interventions can achieve minor improvements in spelling. However, there is a need for more studies. Article 2: Treiman (2018) Treimans article advocates for systematic and consistent spelling instruction to enhance communication skills. He argues that students who receive structured spelling lessons perform better in spelling than those who do not. Effective traditional methods are highlighted, including visualizing, writing words, and phonics instruction. Also, Treiman stresses that comprehensive spelling instruction is essential for students to learn and master spelling effectively. source..
Mastering Literacy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructior Date Name: Session 9 Article 1: Williams, K.J., et al. (2017). A synthesis of reading and spelling interventions and their effects on spelling outcomes for students with learning disabilities. Describe the findings from this study. Williams et al. (2017) conducted a study observing the effects of spelling and reading interventions on spelling outcomes for children with learning disabilities from Kindergarten to grade 12. They observed and concluded that students with learning disabilities enhanced their spelling and reading abilities through the spelling and learning interventions conducted in the study. The students with Learning disabilities who participated in the study improved their spelling accuracy through the interventions, which included explicit instructions from the researchers, multiple opportunities to practice, and immediate corrective feedback. The authors find that although these interventions improved spelling accuracy for the students with LD, the spelling accuracy improvements were not significant. Williams et al. (2017) observed that in all the studies they reviewed, the researchers measured spelling outcomes through oral dictation assessments and that students with LD could improve their spelling outcomes if they had a foundational system of spelling. The study found that they did not have evidence that improving spelling instructions can have an impact on reading outcomes for students with LD. Williams et al. (2017) concluded that further research on students with LD is necessary to help researchers and educators know how they can improve these students' reading and spelling outcomes and their overall school performance. What are some possible implications of these findings? Students with LD often struggle to keep up with other students in the classroom due to their learning challenges. One implication of the findings of this study is that it helps provide a solution that educators and guardians of children with learning disabilities can use to improve their reading and spelling accuracy in and out of the classroom. The findings show that despite the students enhancing their spelling accuracy through the interventions mentioned, they improved by a small margin. However, this small margin of improvement is a sign of hope that tweaking the interventions mentioned and used in the study can lead to more significant changes and improvements in students with learning disabilities. One other implication of the findings is that there is a dire need for further research on students with LD. The authors realized that there is limited research on interventions needed to improve spelling and reading outcomes in students with Learning disabilities because most studies only researched students without learning disabilities. The study observes that most of the articles they reviewed investigated the impact of implementing reading programs on students' spelling outcomes, but they did not include the effect on students with learning disabilities. Therefore, the study showed the bias in the educational research system that leans more toward students without learning disabilities compared to students with learning d...
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