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Autobiographical Literature (Essay Sample)


Write a four-page essay about the most significant event that shaped your literacy.
Be sure to describe this event using sensory details along with the lasting impact it had on you as
an individual (whether it be a positive or negative impact).
This event should be presented in a story format where you, the individual speaking, walks the reader through the event using first person point of view. (using words like I, me, my etc.)


There is no doubt that school plays a critical role in shaping an individual’s literacy, especially when they are young and as they grow. Like any other child, I grew up in a family that valued school. My parents told me that school was the beginning of a great future, and therefore I had to attend school every day so that I could acquire knowledge and skills, including literacy skills. The foundation of literacy is knowing how to read and write. Every day I knew that a degree or diploma would help me get a good job in the future, and therefore, I had to work hard to improve my grades. In this essay, I go deeper into how school shaped my literacy skills until I got knowledgeable in many things that I know today.
There are various things that I am capable of doing today, not because of education but because I acquired them naturally. These things include breathing with my lungs, eating, and sleeping, which are controlled by my biological instincts. However, everything else that I know today and which I have experienced is a result of going to school. When I was a young kid, my parents were very deliberate in teaching me some essential skills that included good manners, practicing good hygiene as well as developing study habits.
Through formal education, I have been able to acquire three distinct and critical skills that have been my guiding light throughout my life. Reading, critical thinking, and questioning almost everything has opened my eyes to understand the world more than I could ever imagine. I learned reading right from my kindergarten days, and I can tell you that it has been a fundamental skill that has opened many doors in my life, even though it is often overlooked by many people who have undergone higher education.
Equipped with the skill to read, I can now learn anything I desire. The passion that teachers instilled in me to read has gone a long way in enabling me to develop my reading culture. I often go to a library to find a book on interesting topics, subjects, and disciplines to read on. The reason why I do this is that I want to get informed and stay updated on the current events and changes that are happening in the world around me. Reading has given me the ability to try to get into other people’s shoes and try to see the world from their perspective so that I can understand them better.
Moreover, reading enables me to travel and explore places far away from me through imagination and fantasy of what I would do if I was in that particular geographical place physically. Those who aspire to learn and read must know that literacy unlocks endless possibilities for anyone. My inquisitive nature has forced people close to me to develop a sense of patience with me since I ask questions a lot regarding various issues. The concepts I was taught in school have developed my curiosity towards seeking answers and explanations of certain phenomena around me.

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