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Literature & Language
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The task involves creating a research paper proposing a bilingual education system for newcomer English learners in Nantucket Public Schools. The recommended model is Two-Way Immersion (TWI), supporting both English and native language learning. The paper details the identification of student needs, selection of the TWI model, implementation strategies, and how this model addresses educational, social, and cultural needs, enhancing academic success and community engagement. source..
Methods Student Name Institution Professor Course Date Introduction In the current integrated educational landscape of Nantucket Public Schools, a bilingual education system should be the pivot for a newcomer English learner in the elementary grades that supports both English learning and nurturing their native languages. Such bilingualism has a multipronged approach to cognitive development and cultural appreciation, increasing success in both academic and social fields. This research paper encompasses the exclusive needs of these students, chooses the most appropriate bilingual education model, addresses the strategies for implementation of the model based on scholarly works, and outlines how the selected model will cope with the student's specific needs. Identification of English Learners The group of students under consideration consists of newcomer English learners in the elementary grades at the Nantucket Public Schools. Most of These students are SLIFE (students with limited or disrupted formal education) who present us with some new twists in their academics. They stand among us with different levels of education and English proficiency, which can vary from basically no English to an intermediate version. These students are mainly required to learn the English language, conserve their mother tongue, adapt to the different educational and cultural settings they will encounter, most likely, and support them to cope with any migrant trauma and other significant changes in their lives. Selection of Bilingual Education Model The Two-Way Immersion (TWI) model of Dual language programs (DLP) is recommended for these students. This model supports English learners and native English speakers in the same classroom, promoting language and cultural exchange between the two groups (Sung, 2020). TWI not only aids in learning English but also supports the maintenance and development of the student's first language, which is crucial for their cognitive and social development. Including native English speakers provides a naturalistic language-learning environment, fostering mutual respect and cultural appreciation among students. Research on Implementation Successfully implementing the TWI strategy is a complex process that includes several aspects. Primarily, the curriculum must be so framed that the content is delivered in both English and students' native language; this will ensure a balance in exposure to both languages throughout the subjects. This approach coincides with the conclusions made by researchers Gomez and Cisneros (2020), who point out that if the programs maintain equilibrium between languages, enhanced educational outcomes are detected, and long-term academic achievement happens. A teacher training program is equally important because bilingual teachers should exhibit language proficiency and multiculturalism as they facilitate and manage students' learning processes in the classroom. Application to Student Needs Implementing the TWI model in Nantucket Public Schools would comprehensively address the needs of the identified student group in the following ways: ESL Levels and Educational Background in TWI Programs Two-Way Immersion (TWI) programs provide a tailored educational approach to accommodating students of varying English language proficiency levels. These programs utilize initial assessments to accurately determine each student's language abilities, guiding the placement and specific instructional strategies required (Werblow et al., 2020). This approach ensures that all students, irrespective of their diverse educational backgrounds, have equitable access to the curriculum. The differentiated instruction offered in TWI programs allows for a responsive and inclusive learning environment, supporting students in reaching their full academic potential. Family and Community Engagement in TWI Programs The achievement of TWI's programs depends on the families and the community participation. Portraying community and parental involvement, one of these programs makes the supportive network that bridges the gap between the school and the home. It is important to note that forging this kind of participation goes beyond students' well-being and contributes to their academic success. Furthermore, Gomez and Cisneros (2020) introduce the influence of parental engagement on learning outcomes for newcomers, which is essential to students' success. Supporting families to participate in school events and establish a mutual understanding for learning a language together creates a merged outlook that justifiably gives a quality education for the parents and children. Adjustment and Trauma The supportive and encompassing environment in Two-Way Imm...
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