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What is the Nature of the Problem? (Essay Sample)

Instructions Look to policy analysis framework we are using this semester (Karger & Stoesz, 2018). Building on the piece of legislation you chose to analyze and the social issue(s) it intends to address, please submit a written draft that addresses the historical description of the social issue. Specifically, Karger & Stoesz (2018) provide these guiding questions: What is the nature of the problem? How widespread is it? How many people are affected by it? Who is affected and how? What are the causes of the problem? Answer all 5 questions thoroughly. This draft should be in APA format and approximately 2-3 pages long. You should gather MULTIPLE statistics, scholarly articles, and relevant website information to support your historical description. This is the opportunity to describe the problem within your topic. Narrow it down. It will make it much easier you to complete if you are not too broad in your scope. The next step is to identify a piece of legislation that has been developed to address/remedy this social issue. Please keep that in mind. Once again, please review your group members' submissions and provide feedback. Are there any questions they have not addressed? Recommendations you may have? Research articles you can share? Etc. source..
What is the Nature of the Problem? Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Professor’s Name Due Date What is the Nature of the Problem? The problem is that transgender individuals are at a higher risk of sexual assault than non-transgender individuals. This can be attributed to various factors, including discrimination, harassment, and lack of access to appropriate healthcare. When transgender individuals are housed in facilities based on their assigned sex at birth rather than their gender identity, they may be placed in situations where they are more vulnerable to sexual assault (Hörst, 2021). Various organizations and advocacy groups have recognized this problem for many years. Several lawsuits have been filed against CDCR for failing to protect transgender inmates from sexual assault. The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act was introduced to address these concerns and provide greater protection for transgender inmates in CDCR facilities. How widespread is it? Assessing the broad impact of Karger and Stoesz's paper is a challenging task due to the size and diversity of the social work field. The perspectives on the most effective social work approach can differ significantly among practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Despite this, the paper has garnered significant attention and discussion within the social work community since its publication in 2018. It has been cited and discussed in various publications and conferences. Moreover, many social work programs and organizations have incorporated Karger and Stoesz's ideas into their training and practice. For instance, some social work schools have added required social work courses (Greenwald, 2020). These courses prioritize social justice and anti-oppressive practices while promoting reflexivity and awareness of personal biases and assumptions among practitioners. Although there may still be ongoing debates regarding the optimal approach to social work, Karger and Stoesz's paper has undoubtedly contributed to a more comprehensive dialogue about the need for a flexible and nuanced approach to assisting those in need. How many people are affected by it? The precise number of individuals directly affected by Karger and Stoesz's paper is challenging to determine since its influence is mainly limited to the field of social work and may not have yet reached the general populace (Greenwald, 2020). However, the paper has received extensive attention and discussion within the social work community, sparking deliberations on the most effective methods of aiding those in need. It has also prompted a reassessment of the role of evidence-based practice in social work, with an increased emphasis on considering contextual and cultural factors when determining effective interventions. Assessing the precise impact of Karger and Stoesz's paper may be challenging, but it has undoubtedly had a notable impact on how social workers approach and contemplate their work. Who is affected and how? The influential paper authored by Karger and Stoesz examined the limitations of evidence-based practice in social work and challenged the prevailing belief that it was the only legitimate approach (Pierce, 2021). This significantly impacted various stakeholders in the field, including social workers, researchers, educators, and policymakers, and led to a shift in their perception and approach toward social work. Social workers, in particular, were urged to receive training in various approaches, including evidence-based practice, and to adapt interventions and treatments to different contexts and situations. This necessitated a deeper understanding of the complexities of social work. The paper also impacted the research and education communities by challenging the traditional focus on empirical studies and emphasizing the need for various methods and approaches in the multifaceted and dynamic field of social work (Pierce, 2021). Furthermore, the authors emphasized the importance of policymakers understanding the complexities of social work and designing policies responsive to the unique needs of different communities and populations. This required a more nuanced comprehension of the social and political contexts in which social work interventions were implemented. What are the causes of the problem? Karger and Stoesz's paper tackled the issue of excessive reliance on evidence-based practice (EBP) in social work. The problem stemmed from various factors. Firstly, social work historically emphasized empirical research and scientific evidence, believing only scientifically validated evidence should inform interventions and treatments (Greenwald, 2020). Secondly, healthcare and social service industries require social workers to use evidence-based interventions to justify the cost of services, leading to an increased emphasis on EBP in social work. Lastly, the development of EBP was viewed as a way to professionalize social work and differentiate it from other helping professions like psychology or counseling. EBP was seen as a way to establish social work as a legitimate and evidence-based profession. ...
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